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Whats the Best/Worst upgrade you made to your pc?

Worst = Buying my new Core 2 Duo setup in like 4 chunks, which added to the cost like i dont know what. :( :confused:

Best = My Lain-Li pc7 plus case oh and my Dell Ultrasharp 2407WFP 24" Widescreen LCD Monitor if that counts as an upgrade. :p
:D : Gecube 512MB HD2900XT, Antec Smartpower 2.0 Modular PSU, ATI 9600XT with HL2
:mad: : Thermaltake Xaser III V1000D, 320Gb Maxtor 6V320F0 DiamondMax 10 SATA-II, Tevion keyboard

The keyboard is rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrubbish. The signal between it and the little thing that plugs into the PC is horrific. The Maxtor drive is that bad that it's not even listed on the Seagate/Maxtor website. The thermaltake case weighs an absolute ton, had about 8 fans, and still had bad cooling, plus the hard drive bay location was terrible.
Best - a 6800Ultra. Fair enough a GT would have cost less and probably clocked the same, but I had plenty of cash at the time and the card is still going strong.

Worst - 200 notes of top notch 2-2-2-5 RAM that gave a few fps at 640x480 but zero frames at the resolution I play at. Nice RAM, but a totally unnecessary overspend.
Best: Radeon 9700 Pro, Epox EP-9NPA+ Ultra, Antec Super Lanboy, Dell 2407WFP
Worst: FX5200, Abit AX8, Akasa Acrylic Case, Aerocool Gatewatch

Edit: Yay 100 posts. ^_^
The best for me has to be my trusty 3400+ clawhammer and x800pro combi i used to have

the 2 worst upgrades i can think of were, choosing a 9800Xt over a 6800LE (when they had just been released) as a replacementt for a dead 9600SE. they were both the same price but i didnt know anythin about the 6800's lol

the other was an "upgrade" from a duron 1.3 jobby to a mini-itx system with integrated graphics. thank god i killed it by accident, managed to get my money back and get something decent :)

one more possible bad upgrade is my current system. think i may have gone a tiny bit overboard on the spec for the HTPC case to handle cooling wise :( needless to say i'm still trying to work out the few "issues" with cooling
Best - Going from S939 to Core2Duo.
Getting an 8800 Ultra.
Buying a MX Revolution mouse. (upgrade?)
Watercooling. :)

Worst - buying a 320mb 8800GTS

Thats it I think.
worst: fx5200. :eek: i didn't know anything about hardware and was enticed by the shiny box. :o it was that whole experience that got me into looking online at hardware stuff and how i ended up on these kind of forums.

best: getting a 9800np flashed to pro a few weeks afterwards. what a difference. :D

also ditching my crap crt for a tft has to rank up there. :)
BEST: 5700Ultra - i remember turning Far Cry on for the first time with that beast installed - ummmmmmmmm. It could run things pretty blumin well!

WORST: GIGABYTE Mobo - non Sli- The bloody heatsink fell off and smashed my 6600GT!!!!!!!!!!!! Borked the whole thing!!!!!!!!!
Worst: purchasing a pre-built HP System for £1000 and getting £300 extra insurance on it (bare in mind this was when i knew sod all about building machines, but also bare in mind a mate who knew what he was doing suggested a building custom pc but i said "no thanks buddy" lol). So that was £1300 on a pre-built pc that could have got a much better machine. The HP was a S754 3400+ 1GB ram, FX5500... oh dear, why did i buy it!? Possibly my WD Raptor 74gb aswell, didnt really notice too much a difference with it lol.

Best: buying everything if had since that lol...
S939 (4000+ clocked to 2.7ghz, 2GB corsair XMS ram, DFI nF3 mobo(AGP) with a X850XTPE, then switched to a DFI nF4 mobo(pcie) with a X1800XT) system,
C2D (E6600 clocked to 3ghz, 2GB corsair dominator, X1800XT system, corsair hx520, 250gb samsung) 2407WFP monitor etc.
Last edited:
Best : Eizo S2410W 24" LCD

Worst : Nothing springs to mind. Kinda disappointed with my first Raptor - still can't see what all the fuss is about with them over a decent 7200 drive.
changing from a 2100+ 768mb ati 9000pro
3500+ 2gig 7800gtx

(will be changing to C2D v.soon, so that will hopefully then be my best)

BFG 6800GT which blew up after 2 months (fortunately allowed me to get one of my 7800gtx with full money back :D:D)
Best: x1950 Pro . This was coming from a Geforce 4 TI ! A whole world of difference :) . Also my Seasonic S12 430W PSU, I've blamed it for many problems, but its always stayed rock solid and it's always been something else that's been the problem.

Worst: ASRock 775i65G :mad: . Grrr . I seriously hate ASRock after what I went through with that motherboard, It wasn't stable at any time, no matter what drivers I used. I had to update the bios to take an E2160 and the if I installed any Graphics Drivers the Motherboard would die and not even post!

This happened recently, so im sending it back to the place I got it from and I'm going to try and get a refund, there's no way I'm taking a replacement.
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