whats the dumbest thing youve done in a car

28 Jun 2006
Newcastle upon Tyne
In South Africa, aged 17, I was on the receiving end of a sexual act from my mate's sister whlie he drove, unknowing. I'm pretty sure he would have stopped the car and shot me if he'd known. Loud music - hallelujah.

As for driving....hmmmm, I've had three prangs, all avoidable, all unremakrable and all my fault :(
18 Oct 2002
Romford/Hornchurch, Essex
oh dear..... didnt expect to be posting so soon again here, but i got a propper one now.....

.......ive just been karting with my tescos group roneo, a tescos group from southend, and gallows corner, plus a Asda's group (boooo) so anyway, typical me, bring the karting back onto roads.

not used to 3 people in my car, couldnt get it slowwed down for roundabout on the A130.... just narrowly missed the central hard concrete center, but then totally understeered off into the grass verge, ripping both front tires off the rims... what a total ******* IDIOT :mad:

thankfully my mate was 10minutes up the road, and i borrowed his spare wheel... nothing seems damaged other than the wheels, but will have to have a propper look tomorrow.

Joked about it slightly cos at least no one was hurt, and no 3rd party was hit..... To top it off one of the karting guys drove past in his van and helped us.... and then was like "hey wasnt you just doing karting?" :o :(
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18 Apr 2006
when i worked at brands it used to happen all the time, you be working with a guy, teaching him all day and then on the way home see him wrapped up on a roundabout or berryd in the back of a lorry on the m 20
30 Sep 2003
I've only ever been karting twice but it is quite hard to leave the buzz behind when you leave. I can see how something like that would happen. Same with trackdays etc. I would guess.
16 Jul 2004
Probably the time I left leaving a dual carriageway in busy traffic to the very last minute. I had to swing the car at a big speed difference between the two cars I went through, towards the sliproad. As I make it on to the lane of the sliproad, I see the police have blocked it off and I'm doing xxxmph towards **** street! I stamp on the brake like Hercules and the ABS is going mad, I managed to swerve back on to the dual carriageway in a gap at roughly the right speed. Cue the police waving their arms at me and me returning it by shouting "**** YOU" and flipping the middle finger at them. It wouldn't be so bad if I hadn't then proceeded to complete the journey flagrantly disregarding traffic lights :(

ABS saved me that day - without it I'd have locked up and slid straight in to the cops.
11 Mar 2005
Leafy Cheshire
Middle of the day on a Sat, shopping retail outlet, was being followed by a mate in his R5 Turbo, i took a shine to a roundabout so i went round it 4 times followed by him, all four wheels screaching (As was his) all the way round, finally had enough and parked up in morrisons to get some food.

Purple vectra parks behind the both of us blocking us in, two offbeat officers get out :o

I had my head in the car door, but my mate knowing they can't really do anything gave them a bit of stick so they said, you better watch it or we will send your car away to be stripped down and checked out, i just laughed, said it won't happen again locked the car and me n the GF went on our way, leaving my mate behind :p ......
4 Dec 2007
United Kingdom, England
dumbest thing ive done so far is - was on way home 1 night around 1am and thought, stuff it.. gonna take the road through the forest as shortcut only when i was coming up to the turning or what i thought was the turning around 60mph soon found out it definately wasnt the right turning.... hit a verge and went over sending the car nose diving but it luckily didnt flip over! made a nice dent in the sills and left a lump of grass in the front bumper :(
Man of Honour
30 May 2007
St A
This thread may be old, but it is LOL.

I'm almost ashamed to say I've not had anything remotely close to these above.

Closest is probably deciding to take the motorway in very bad conditions, gale force winds + torrential down pours with lots of standing water. This was in my 1.2 clio after college, the outer lane was clear because everyone was being sensible and hugging the inside lane at 50. So there I was steaming along 70/80 which was too fast for the conditions, basically I was passing big mercs and stuff that would have been better suited to it. I was aquaplaning a little, but ploughed on as it wasn't too bad. Then I approached a train of lorries, me still going fast wasn't expecting the massive wind deflections coming off the lorries, plus the amount of spray meant I was pretty much blind. The car was bouncing all over the place, but I luckily managed to pass them safely :p
28 Oct 2006
Went up cairngorm sledging at about midnight. There was about 6 inches of snow on the A9.

Was a lot of fun, but probably not the smartest thing i'v ever done.
Man of Honour
11 Dec 2002
Darkest Norfolk
probably driving this thing generally:

that or going in the back of a certain clio cup at northern motors meet...
31 Jul 2003
I can't believe this myself, but a few years ago I went on a blind date with this girl. She got drunk on cocktails and I ended up driving her back to the train station.

She was getting frisky in the car, and I found myself driving down Argyle St. in the centre of Glasgow, with her in the passenger seat and her left leg up on the dashboard, my left hand down her trousers tickling her lady bits, and trying to change gear with my right hand.

We drove right past the Wetherspoons, I don't think anyone saw anything but I'm sure it'd have been a sight!! She never even put out when we parked at Central Station. B***h.
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