*Whats the future for diesel engines*

14 Feb 2014
Same boat as you

I'm after a nearly new car 15/16 plate (replacement for my car that my son written off :mad: ) I've been looking at diesel but with the recent bad press +possible costs going sky high + depreciation and I'm now looking at a petrol version :rolleyes:

Gutted man. :( Hope your son wasn't injured.

Do you mind me asking what you got and what sort of MPG you're getting...

Too early to report as only picked it up Friday and just been pottering about. Showing about 35 at the moment as I've not been driving conservatively lol, miles left is saying 359 on a full tank. Honda say average 45mpg so hoping for close to that, and hoping for a few more miles than 359.
27 Nov 2005
Too early to report as only picked it up Friday and just been pottering about. Showing about 35 at the moment as I've not been driving conservatively lol, miles left is saying 359 on a full tank. Honda say average 45mpg so hoping for close to that, and hoping for a few more miles than 359.
What car ?

Wouldn't really expect more then 35mpg out a 1.8 petrol (unless all your driving is on the motorway)
31 May 2005
Gutted man. :( Hope your son wasn't injured.

Too early to report as only picked it up Friday and just been pottering about. Showing about 35 at the moment as I've not been driving conservatively lol, miles left is saying 359 on a full tank. Honda say average 45mpg so hoping for close to that, and hoping for a few more miles than 359.

No he wasn't injured(tho would have been if his mum had'nt stopped me) and neither did he have insurance or passed his test ...I was away in Amsterdam he'd smacked a curb smashed wheel under took out suspension and bottom of engine ..So I had to sell it on as is and didn't make much
18 Oct 2012
But to impose additional costs on people who already have diesel vehicles would be a monstrous injustice! :mad: :mad: :mad:

yeah but it'll be "reducing pollution" by all you scummy people who bought diesels because they were cheap to run and cheap to tax and are now somehow monsters for getting them, as well as "reducing the deficit".

win win for the government
11 Sep 2013
Anyone any idea how this scheme would work? Would you have to trade your old diesel for a 'brand new' car, or could you trade it for one a year or 2 old that met the relevant emissions criteria? I'm interested in this as I have a soon to be 12 year old diesel.
So far, the implication is that you can.... but you won't get as much as if you bought the latest übergreen swank wagon.

Send diesel up to £1.69, send petrol down to £0.99.
How does that help those of us who can't afford even a cheap 2nd hand car?

Perhaps then, given a few more years, I won't have to stay ever vigilant with my finger hovering over recirculate.
You have to press a button to do that?
What's wrong with a blast down the motorway?
Does your car not automatically start recirculating once it gets up to temp?
Tea Drinker
13 Apr 2010
Sunny Sussex
That's a lot for 2000 miles. The 3008 is 12K or so on a 17 litre max tank..

Audi are quoting 3000 miles for their 3ltr v6. The ranger manual says something like

The rate of usage of Adblue is approximately 5% by volume to the rate of diesel fuel consumption, therefore approximately 5 litres of Adblue will be used to every 100 litres of fuel.
14 Jul 2005
Audi are quoting 3000 miles for their 3ltr v6. The ranger manual says something like

Wow and that stuff is not that cheap I just looked. 85p per litre if bought in bulk, so over £4 added to a 100 litres of fuel for your ranger example. Wouldn't buy a used car that had this system. Could the bottom fall out of the used diesel market in a few years time cos of all this crap no one wants?
Tea Drinker
13 Apr 2010
Sunny Sussex
Wow and that stuff is not that cheap I just looked. 85p per litre if bought in bulk, so over £4 added to a 100 litres of fuel for your ranger example. Wouldn't buy a used car that had this system. Could the bottom fall out of the used diesel market in a few years time cos of all this crap no one wants?

Shell have 1.5 ltrs of the stuff for £9.99 which isn't funny when a tank is 20 ltrs
28 Feb 2004
They will not be able to test for a gutted dog any time soon. The kit required to do so has to be bolted onto your exhaust... Of which many car owners Inc myself will not allow.
Garages damage people's stuff that way.

Well firstly the emissions test will be a mandatory part of the MOT so it will be an instant fail if you refuse to let the garage test your vehicle.

Secondly the testing equipment is out there now, we have been testing the systems that will go to market and making sure they are reliable and consistent.

None of the systems need anything dismantling or attaching to the car, it is a probe that is put into the exhaust pipe exactly like the current emissions testing equipment.

The systems will be out there within a few months, and the MOT will be changed to reflect it by the end of this year.
24 Oct 2002
Bucks and Edinburgh
I am perfectly happy with any policy that will discourage people from buying NEW diesel cars (IE a policy to De-Diesel the PLG market over the next 10-15 years or so)

But to impose additional costs on people who already have diesel vehicles would be a monstrous injustice!

:mad: :mad: :mad:

Yep keep all the stinking, filthy polluting ones and stop people buying the cleaner ones, what a sound plan.
22 Nov 2006
TBH I can see them upping tax on diesel and freezing it on petrol at some point.

They want to encourage people to get rid of them, so whatever they do won't be good.
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