What's the most expensive item you have bought?

Probably my first car which is my Peugeot 205, Bought it in Oct 2006 for £500, and i have still got it today. Also car insurance which totals up to £1200 for the whole year but i am paying for that monthly.

Wait I know what my most expensive thing is.. My car of course. Why didn't I post that before ??

Because you read the OP's text and realised CARS and HOUSES don't count?
£1500 for a Dell laptop XPS1710M when it was releaed back in 2006.

Intel core 2 duo + 2gb ram + nvidia 7900 GS

now you can get 1 with Intel core 2 extreme, 4gb of ram, 2 ATI cards for £999 only -_-
A loft conversion for 35k.

Other than that a synth back in about 1999 that cost £949 now worth about £99.

Or my first prebuilt PC for around 1k.
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