What's the most expensive item you have bought?

Most money I've ever spent in single lump sums other than car:

3 weeks in America - £3000
2 weeks in Maldives - £2000
Car insurance - £1200
Laptop - £650
Computer - £650
My car. But in saying that, its only working out at a total of £0.48 per mile, with insurance, fuel and finance all taken into account, you pay more for a bus, so I can't complain.
Probably the last PC I built a couple of years ago when I was pee'ing money away, £1800.

However that might not count as they're technically seperate components..
most expensive thing i have brought is car insurance, £1400 worth and all i got was a sodding piece of paper :(

I can jus tabout top that... My Motorbike insurance many years ago cost me £1425 and I still have the documents too. The bike itself only cost £5000

Stark contrast to my Gold wing as that only cost me £120 the year before last.

But I feel that Motorbikes must come under cars.

So, in terms of computers, how are these for painful?

£999 for a 500MB Hard Drive on my Atari ST many moons ago
£2300 for an Atari TT Computer ( with only 2MB RAM and a 10MBHD )
£400 for 4MB RAM

Even more recently I have spent ridiculous prices on my Ataris :-

Last year
£300 - 66Mhz 060 CPU & Accelerator board

This year
£190 - 3 PCI slots adapter
As I'm only 16, I thought paying £400 for my Specialized Hard Rock Sport Disc '09 mountain bike and locks for it was quite a buy!
Probably a lot more to come in the near future though...
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