What's the most expensive item you have bought?

Most recently... A Yamaha CLP270 for the best part of 2 grand. Best thing I've bought in ages :)

Most ever I think was on an Amateur Radio setup which cost me the best part of about 3.5 grand quite a few years ago. :eek: Not into it anymore though.
Mind giving a quick breakdown, as that still seems to be pricy even for the time...?

From memory: Dell XPS PII 400, 384MB, 20GB HDD, 128MB video, 19" CRT...

I'm not exaggerating either :)

I think the cost was bumped up by the memory and CRT. 19" CRTs at that time were about £500 :D
384meg was quite a lot then as well, seems a bit odd though to spec that amount. Mmm I bought a Mitsu CRT in Jan99 for a ba' hair under £300, and remember that I could get a cheap 19" for the same price but went for a decent 17", so you'll be glad to know your supplied information sounds plausable. Congratulations :D
My car and my HDTV is a tie at £550. The HDTV doesn't keep breaking down though :p

Next to the HDTV would be a PS3 at launch, which was £425; looking back now I think it was a ripoff.
I have no reason to lie :)

Here's a lower of the same PC that I found online (priced at £1,700):
Pentium II/400 with 512Kb of cache, 128Mb of SDRAM, Intel 440BX chipset, 14.4Gb IBM UltraDMA hard disk, Toshiba 4.8-speed DVD-ROM drive, 16Mb STB nVIDIA TNT graphics card, Turtle Beach Montego PCI wavetable sound card, Altec Lansing ACS295 speakers, 17in Nokia Trinitron monitor, Internal US Robotics 56K modem, Iomega Zip drive, Cinemaster hardware DVD decoder card, Windows 98, Office 97 SBE, McAfee Anti-Virus, home software bundle.
not really mine, but family thing which blows most of it out the water.....
Boat at £36,000 or something... dont dare think what its worth now
I don't think I've ever bought a single thing greater than ~£200. I'm a cheapskate. These would be things like a SCSI CD writer in 1998. A DVD player in 02 i think. A PS1 for about 179 or something.

Car tyres - do they count? only in bunches of 4 though.

<edit> Holy flashback - My first Stereo - a Kenwood midi seprarate thing - for £360. in about '94 or so.
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384meg was quite a lot then as well, seems a bit odd though to spec that amount. Mmm I bought a Mitsu CRT in Jan99 for a ba' hair under £300, and remember that I could get a cheap 19" for the same price but went for a decent 17", so you'll be glad to know your supplied information sounds plausable. Congratulations :D

The sales person asked me if I was going to be launching a rocket with it :D

These days I'm happy with my A64 from 2005 :p
Yes I can. A better question would have been "Did you read the OP?", to which my answer would be no, please accept my sincerest apologies.

Apology accepted. It appears you didn't read the thread either though, becasue somebody had pointed out someone else making the same error. No hard feelings. :D
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