What's the most surreal thing someone in the street has said to you?

Walking along a road in Balham years ago and some random stranger comes up to me and says "are you Daniel?". "Err, yes." "Just leave her alone." Never managed to work out who he was, who the "her" was or what the hell I'd done!
Similar to the above - I had to show a guy my UK driving licence in the US once for ID and he said do you know Ozzy Osbourne?

I was like WTF? Some Americans really do think the UK is some tiny little island where we all know each other and have dinner at each other's houses. Funny.

Some panicked woman who thought I worked in Sainsburys.

Oh, and also this. The most worrying by far.

"Look guys, I don't mind getting back in the van, I just want to know what's going on".
I had some tool park his car 2 away from me in a car park, mumble "sounds just like a golf" as he close the door and because i didn't react, he came over to me and said rather nervously "sorry, i said it sounds just like a golf". God knows what car he was in....or what drugs he was on.
Two of my favourites:

"Any business, love?" - From a women wearing a two piece women's suit, without a blouse and which she'd pulled upon the display her charms. Funnier still because she had just exited (and I mean she was 10 feet away) from Manchester Crown Court.

"My God, you look just like him!" - Some random bloke said this to me in the center of Cambridge. I had (and have) absolutely no clue what/who he was talking about.
I had a couple with a foreign accent stop me in the street a few years back and asked me if I'd take their photo. I agreed and stood there, but no camera was forthcoming.
I said if you give me your camera Ill take your picture and they looked at me strange and asked "don't you have one??"

I once had a bloke with obvious learning difficulties that had a long conversation with me about how unhappy he was, how lonely he was, and how his parents were both ill.
I was going along with it with the basic "oh yeah. yeah. terrible" because I'm very reserved/shy etc, until he leaned in to cry on my shoulder.
That's my bloody limit.

Another guy, much the same, started talking to me on the bus about where I was going, where I'd been, where would I be on xxx day, telling me I couldn't pronounce the name of my town, asking me whether i'd been to manchester, liverpool, bath [insert obscure places here] and then asking me odd questions like "I don't think someone from manchester would come here [oxford] do you?"
wtf was he on about? Every time I replied he lit up like a bloody christmas tree he seemed so happy.
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