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Whats The Next GFX Out???

Looking forward to the G90 1TF monster tbh, If I could put my name down for one now I'd almost definetly have one :D , Only problem is blowing 400 big ones on a GFX card will be a very hard pill to swallow.

Cyber-Mav said:

finally a card to play rainbow 6 vegas properly. :D

Vegas will never play properly, it plainly sucks. I mean for God sake mav give up already :D . Maybe if the developers had offered more support to the community but they just ****** off and left it in the utter state its in now, with no intention or desire to fix things.
kkthxbye said:
Can't wait to see what NV pull out the hat next!

You might be in for a long wait.
I would be very suprised if nvidia did anyting but sit on thier lorals untill ATI get it together and give them some competion, no point in competing with themself. thats why i think they had a change fo plan with the G90/92.
I just hope the power consumption hits a downward trend
imagine if they start needing 40a + on the 12 v rail eeek.
Tom|Nbk said:
Vegas will never play properly, it plainly sucks. I mean for God sake mav give up already :D . Maybe if the developers had offered more support to the community but they just ****** off and left it in the utter state its in now, with no intention or desire to fix things.

man vegas is a damn good game, i deffo need to get it working properly with good speed. too much of a let down in performance it was. although the graphics are very good which could be why it runs so slow.
only crysis will tell.
Cyber-Mav said:
man vegas is a damn good game, i deffo need to get it working properly with good speed. too much of a let down in performance it was. although the graphics are very good which could be why it runs so slow.
only crysis will tell.

The graphics very good?? I thought the complete opposite, if you go up to some walls, you can see how low res the textures are when you get up to them, F.E.A.R is a better looking game than Vegas and the amount of blur in that damnd game takes the p1$$, Vegas runs like crap concidering the quality of the graphics, sure some parts are quite nice graphics but for the most part its low res textures close, and I know in all games, well most when your up close the textures are going to look a lot worse, but not as bad a Vegas.

helmutcheese said:
Completed it as new on my last rig, was buggy port from console but there is at least patches now, I had to complete unpatched lol.

Yea the patched dont improve performance that much.

I mean how pathetic, 16xAA/AF, all full in game, at 1440x900 I get like 30fps as from what I've seen AA/AF from NV control panel now works in Vegas as when I enabled it the edges were super smooth, more than crappy AA in games or blur.
I have high hopes for G92 - hopeflly a nice small ish card with good power / price ratio.
Hopefully another 6600 GT - i.e punches far above its weigth, sensible size and power requirements and good price
Cartho said:
I have high hopes for G92 - hopeflly a nice small ish card with good power / price ratio.
Hopefully another 6600 GT - i.e punches far above its weigth, sensible size and power requirements and good price

I rekon it will sell for around 120 quid.
The problem about the 1terflop card is that it may not run great. A 1900xtx puts out about 450 gigaflops but its not better than a 8800gts??
jaykay said:
The problem about the 1terflop card is that it may not run great. A 1900xtx puts out about 450 gigaflops but its not better than a 8800gts??

It puts out that much due to its 512bit ring bus or something maybe? Maybe games dont take advantage of the X1900XT, maybe it's infact superior to an 8800?
so if these new 'high end' cards give us twice the power.. that means we can look foward to around 50 fps at 1280 resolution in games like juarez in dx10 mode. So what about us with more manly monitors with 1920 resolution. Its going to be awful.

Think i'm gonna dive out of PC gaming for a while.. seems to have become a wee bit pants. Glad I brought me an xbox on monday now. Gears of war on a 42" screen is like nothing ive played on my pc.

And dont get me wrong, i am a big pc fan and a graphics hore to boot but it just seems more and more pointless to be spending upwards of £400 on new cards. I did it when the 1800xt came out and admittedly it was excellent for 12 months.. but then i brought a new monitor and it lost its shine. If the new cards cant handle higher resolutions with fluid play.. then its adios from me

Unless of course some magical driver finally does appear from ATI and then i'm straight back on the band wagon :D
cmsbfent said:
so if these new 'high end' cards give us twice the power.. that means we can look foward to around 50 fps at 1280 resolution in games like juarez in dx10 mode. So what about us with more manly monitors with 1920 resolution. Its going to be awful.

Think i'm gonna dive out of PC gaming for a while.. seems to have become a wee bit pants. Glad I brought me an xbox on monday now. Gears of war on a 42" screen is like nothing ive played on my pc.

And dont get me wrong, i am a big pc fan and a graphics hore to boot but it just seems more and more pointless to be spending upwards of £400 on new cards. I did it when the 1800xt came out and admittedly it was excellent for 12 months.. but then i brought a new monitor and it lost its shine. If the new cards cant handle higher resolutions with fluid play.. then its adios from me

Unless of course some magical driver finally does appear from ATI and then i'm straight back on the band wagon :D

Why not try and drop the game settings down to what the Xbox360 uses. Barely 2x AA and whatever AF. People always put the PC game in high eye candy and then look at the PC slowing down on MUCH better settings and then think the Xbox360 is immense. Nice to play for the odd fighting game or whatever but nah. Had one and sold it, same as PS3. Both are garbage and the PC is where it's at ;).
Jokester said:
G92 is the sort of "value" version of the next cards, as far as I'm aware G90 will be the "enthusiast" cores and little is known about them other than Nvidia's claim of 1Tflop. G92 is supposed to November of this year but it sounds like G90 might slip till January.


Just when ATi's next cards are due. :p
6 months ago i would have agreed.. i'm a self confessed console hater (apart from the dreamcast R.I.P).

Never owned any form of playstation as PC graphics were always that one step ahead so I didnt mind splashing the cash on the latest cards. But now, the gap between pc and console graphics is a tight one, and when u consider that dx10 games like alan wake are headin to an xbox near you looking amazing.. me thinks the tables have/are turned/turning
I hear you - It is as tight as it's ever been and worrying to me. With poor ports like Spiderman 3, Rainbow 6 and a few other titles it's plain to see that the console is more important in getting it right for these companies. I really think it's due to it being a whole lot easier to play cracked games on your PC in comparison to the console so maybe it's our own doing as a society that has led to the decrease in great working titles on the PC.

I love FPS and using my Razer mouse. It's what separates the PC vs the console. I just hope it doesn't end up with just the consoles for gaming as that's when I would stop :(.
Well consoles will never take over PC Gaming, look at the great games coming to the PC this yeas (Crysis, Bioshock, UT3), Crysis will have to be downgraded to the Xbox 360 because the 360 aint powerfull enough :D.

Can the Xbox360 even utilize DX10?
willhub said:
Well consoles will never take over PC Gaming, look at the great games coming to the PC this yeas (Crysis, Bioshock, UT3), Crysis will have to be downgraded to the Xbox 360 because the 360 aint powerfull enough :D.

Can the Xbox360 even utilize DX10?

Nope it run's on a hybrid DX9 AFAIK.
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