What's the worst thing you've ever had in your mouth?

Isn't a spoon of cinnamon meant to be a kids game.

You get a spoon of cinnamon and attempt to eat it all at once without dying.

I think I got them from a nutritionist site. Something about cinnamon being good for getting out toxins.

It's not good.
A couple of months ago I was eating a Cadburys flake - the crumbs in the packet went everywhere - I looked down and saw what I though was a bit of it on the carpet.

I wasnt really thinking and I just licked my finger and used it to pick the piece of flake up and popped it straight in my mouth. It didnt taste of anything....

Which made me stop and look again - there was now a very small brown stain still on the carpet. It was then I realised I must have trod in something in the garden and brought it back into the house.

Shuddered a bit whilst cleaning the carpet and then forgot about it.

The next morning I woke up to terrible stomach pains and spent the next 3 days running to the loo every half hour.........still dont know what it was - but obviously something very horrible for such a tiny amount to cause me to turn myself inside out.

Wont be doing that again.
Worst thing ever for me was partly my own fault.

I had a real bad chest infection and was outside on my parents drive trying to keep myself busy working on my car. As there was no where to spit out the green nastiness i was coughing up i was spitting it into my empty tea cup (disgusting i know)

my dad then brought Me out a nice cup of tea to make me feel better, didnt realise untill
About half way thru that he had used my spit cup and there was a layer of green flem in the bottom.....
6 year old me grabbed and ate a Jalapeno in the middle of a supermarket. May as well have been poison at that age, don't mind the heat now days.

A friend of mine was served a live Winkle by mistake in a French restaurant too, never nice eating anything alive as it tends to just explode if you bite it.
My real time thoughts whilst reading this post...

“This is a Jean-F post isn’t it...” /checks

“He’s off his game today, usually there’d be more inconsequential detail like which paper he was reading...”

“Ah, there it is!”

Mmmm, I must have been having a bad day, I’ll try harder :D
Worst thing ever for me was partly my own fault.

I had a real bad chest infection and was outside on my parents drive trying to keep myself busy working on my car. As there was no where to spit out the green nastiness i was coughing up i was spitting it into my empty tea cup (disgusting i know)

my dad then brought Me out a nice cup of tea to make me feel better, didnt realise untill
About half way thru that he had used my spit cup and there was a layer of green flem in the bottom.....

That one actually made me bloik a bit. Ewww :D

I guess the only upside is, at least is was your own phlegm rather than someone else's...
Actual poo. I was around 5 and coming down the slide in our back garden, head first. My 1 year old brother had recently made a deposit at the foot of the slide.
A raisin I thought I'd absent mindedly dropped on the floor that turned out not to be a raisin but a dead fly, only knew because it had a wing when I spat it out!

The warm exhalations of a dying relative.
Worst thing I've had in my ears...... the sound of cracking ribs.

CPR training was not like this.

Probably the "worst" bit of CPR training is the lack of reality from the Resusi Anne dolls regarding the noise and/or not being briefed about the noises you're very likely to hear if you're doing correct depth compressions, especially on someone elderly. This sadly means that the first time someone has to do it for real there been a growing tendency reported that they either stop chest compressions completely or start to go too shallow once they hear the sternum and/or ribs break after the first few compressions.
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