whats your job ?

Credit management consultant for a large English mortgage lender. Would still be doing an IT related job, except Hp made me redundant after 10 years :(
Apprentice working on electrical distribution network 33kv up to 132kv, though I work on 11kv quite a lot and also do a lot of 110v and 230v as the substations use 110v to operate and also have 230v supplies for lighting and plug sockets etc so in reality I work on 110v-132kv
Starting my new job for a science publishing company. Joining a team of 2 doing IT support and managing their online content :)

Congrats, I did a very similar role for a small tech publishing company until the end of last year, and enjoyed it a lot. With a small company a role such as that is great, you get a lot of responsibility.
I sell a B2B credit referencing package to small to medium sized businesses. I am basically a cold caller, but I enjoy it as I genuinely believe that what we provide is good, especially compared to a lot of the competition. :)
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