whats your job ?

Network Engineer (Just to annoy people who hate the term engineer for us techies ;) )

Ranges from BAU support, change, design and projects

- GP

We don't get annoyed, normally just laugh ;)

I'm currently Engineering nothing and am sitting on my backside all day waiting for Australian kit to be delivered for extensive abuse, before sending off to an important job oin Norway.
I work for an online clothing store. Used to be a generic warehouse monkey, but I'm now a warehouse monkey who uses a computer to fix the mistakes all the other warehouse monkeys made. I earn 1500k a month, and its night shift. So it sucks... But its better than JSA.

I'm currently attempting to go self employed with something else(Computer related), but not planning on giving up the night job any time soon.

wow, How things change...

Currently working at the same online clothing retailer. But now I'm an ICT Systems Officer, and I did go self employed too :D

4 on 4 off shift pattern allows me to carry on doing some self employed work, But I don't take it too seriously, I love my time off. :D

Oh and its more than I was on before, but still not quite 1500k a month :D:p
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How did you get into this? Do you need any qualifications or anything like that?

Sorry for late reply! I got into it by checking The City of London's website religiously for months as job retention at the ARC is very high. You do need a minimum of an NVQ in an animal management course. Work in public relations helps a lot :).
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