whats your job ?

UX interactive designer.

May as well update this.

Account Manager for a web design agency. Basically the same as before, just somewhere else!

Beginning to think this isn't what I want to do. I really have no idea what the future holds, and thinking about it just makes me annoyed. I really wish I'd gone to university, not because I'd be doing any better now, I'm doing well for myself, but I think it would have developed me into a better person.

I know a few account managers that are doing pretty damn well for themselves after a few years in design/web/technology. They're pretty married to the job right enough.

Studio management, project management, head of accounts...do you want that kind of progression?
I'm actually not too sure :p
Technically I'm a 2nd line Tech Support guy, however have been working on many internal processes and improving things from a customer service point of view. In addition I'm the point of contact for any interesting or seemingly impossible-to-fix technical issues, which can be fun!

It's all good, I get paid at the end of the month so I don't mind what I'm called. :p
I'm more Jack of all trades, Master of none.
I'm a welder, fabricator, engine tuner, engine builder, electrician, diagnostics, mechanic, tyre fitter, floor sweeper kinda guy. :D

Business card says "Vehicle technician to the Motorsport industry"
Last Job (Finished Mid June) - Network Engineer / Datacentre Engineer

New Job starting on 19th - Network Engineer for a gooooood company :D cannot wait to start
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