What's your weekly flutter?

oh come on! you no fine well the temptation of spending a lot is there if you had it sitting. I don't care what anyone else says I would IMO take the 10K a month.

The only way I would take the jump sum is if I was heavily investing.

I hope, for your sake, that you don't win the lottery then.

p.s if you do, can i lend a tenner pls m8
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It's not the temptation, it's the idea of like still getting an income every month instead of nothing coming in apart from maybe some interest.

Good read this.

Open thethread up fully and scroll down to this bit

"So, what the hell DO you do if you are unlucky enough to win the lottery?

This is the absolutely most important thing you can do right away: NOTHING.

Yes. Nothing.

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It's amazing the number of people - even on here - who don't understand the difference between assets and income. You can have many millions in assets yet a very low income.
he said not to start anything for at least 18-24 month until I've adjusted to the money and got "big ticket" purchases out of the way.

I think this is terrible advice to the average person as you end up embedding lifestyle creep which will be very hard to get out of and lose out on 2 years of ISA allownace and growth. I don't think this applies to you though, as you appear very grounded.

I few people know who have also gone on to tell other people

This is why I think I'd tell no one. Wasn't there someone who won the lottery and didn't tell their wife at the time? 10 years later he was trying to work out how to break the news. :D

Good read this.

Open thethread up fully and scroll down to this bit

"So, what the hell DO you do if you are unlucky enough to win the lottery?

This is the absolutely most important thing you can do right away: NOTHING.

Yes. Nothing.


Read some of it but I don't fully comply with it. I've told everyone who needs to know or asked. No one has come begging. Lottery people have already told me to use specialist solicitor and FA etc, not the local back street one with the tatty office from the 1970s.

I certainly don't feel unlucky for winning it. Yes you hear stories in the press about people who lost it all and wish they didn't win, I spent whole nights reading National Lottery related news online in the days after I won, but what about the 1000s of other people who are happy with their win and new found wealth?
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I think this is terrible advice to the average person as you end up embedding lifestyle creep which will be very hard to get out of and lose out on 2 years of ISA allownace and growth. I don't think this applies to you though, as you appear very grounded.

He gave me this advise probably because the meeting took place the day before I was due to collect my new car and I told him that I was planning on some home renovations too (which the first phase starts end of this month). I do think he gathered that I was screwed on too as I told him I wanted to make the money work for me and invest for the future to provide an income once the money stops in 30 years etc.

This FA sees every big lottery winner in the north who choose to go to the complimentary meeting so I assume he knows what he's talking about. I hope. :)
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