First big journey (400 mile almost) in the i4, 67kwh version, yesterday from Northumberland to Exmouth. WLTP range is 293.
A good test of its range and the state of chargers on a fairly peak holiday travel Friday afternoon.
Stopped at a fastned charger at a pub near Wigan for quick toilet break. 12 min charge and back on the road. Then stopped at Ionity (also totally empty at 6pm!) opposite West Brom stadium for big charge while we went to McDonald’s for food. Kids ate so slow actually back to 99% when we left after about 40 mins charge. Then arrived at Exmouth on 28%. Thoughts after journey which may help people’s concerns on are BEVs fit for purpose :-
-Could probaly have made the 240 ish miles to WBA Ionity ok without wee stop making it a one stop journey, but had it been full would then have been a faff to find somewhere. Note have shell fuel card through work so prefer to find partner charges as “free” to me.
-Car seemed to get more efficient the further we drove, averaging 3.9 miles/kwh as we left the Ionity charger, but dipped to 3.7 for total journey as put foot down a bit more for rest of journey as knew had plenty “in tank”.
-3.9 m/kwh is 261 miles range, which I think is pretty decent for motorway driving with 2 adults, 2 kids, a large dog who was not happy in footwell, and a boot rammed of stuff.
-Bigger battery version, and the next step in upgrades (they are citing the new 3 series platform will be 30% better range) will make journeys like this very easy.
-both places we stopped at, no issue getting charged, and random checks of places on the way on the sat nav system, seemed similar.
-we never waited for car to charge, it was faster than we were for what would have been normal stopes in an ICE.
-really impressed with the BMW satnav and charger integration, and accuracy on arrivals times, battery forecasts etc.