I like to be in and out of a petrol station in under 5 minutes. The current (see what I did there?) state of recharging is far too long, even at rapid charging sites to be practical.
As others said start from a blank page and forget everything you know about fuelling a car.
Think about it more like a laptop or phone. You don't take your phone to a specific place, then stand next to it while it charges. You plug it in whenever it's convenient and barely even think about it.
Just as an example in the last year / 10k miles I've used a rapid charger twice for less than 20 mins, and for 19 of those 20 mins I was using motorway services not standing by the car. This includes doing a 500 mile round trip on a single day, and multiple 600 mile long-weekend round-trips.
With 2 EV's in a year that's about 50 stops at the petrol station avoided at 10 minutes a go, so over 8 hours saved.
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