Still want that new, internet connected car which can be updated over the air?
You know this would apply to your dinosaur juice car as well right, probably on top of fuel duty for food measure.
A far cheaper and easier thing to administer would be to load it all into VED, charge cars with higher consumption more VED. Making a fairly average car that gets 50mpg £500 VED would offset all the fuel duty for a fairly average 8,000 miles. Seems fair to me and far cheaper to manage than any 'smart' road pricing schemes. (£1.50/litre = 58p fuel duty, 50mpg = 11miles per litre, 8000/11*0.58 = £475)
You could vary the charge based on consumption or value and charge an VW Up £400 and a V8 Range Rover £2000, apply the same to the electric equivalents and keep fuel duty to please Nasher.
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