When are you going fully electric?

We use Arval, mine is company car rather than salary sacrifice (I can chose either) but not a huge difference in pricing between them
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No need, if intelligent decides to charge your car at 18:30 for half an hour, it’s 7.5p for everything for the whole half hour. Winner winner chicken dinner.

They can’t separate your car charging from your house charging, they only have one smart meter and it covers your whole house.

Going to check with them that they are charging 7.5p at 6:30pm as it just doesn’t seem right! Like you say though, if they are then that’s no problem as we had the oven on too :D
Anyone else on Intelligent Octopus had the car charging turn on during peak hours?

I know the “smart charging” option in the app allows Octopus to pick and choose when to charge the car (you will always be charged the reduced rate even during the day if they choose to charge then), but it seems odd to charge it at 6:30pm as surely that is during peak grid usage?

They probably had a surplus of energy then. Was it windy that day? Octopus are 100% green and are the biggest players in wind and solar in Europe.
They probably had a surplus of energy then. Was it windy that day? Octopus are 100% green and are the biggest players in wind and solar in Europe.

Ah ok. I don't mind it switching during the day but we generally use 1kWh 24/7 so makes no odds to us really. Just thought it was odd to put us on the reduced rate at what I would class as peak usage time around the country.
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Yeah…or as I said 1kWh 24/7. Not sure the calculation needs posting :p

I was saying we have a near constant level of use so it doesn’t benefit us if the rate was reduced at 6pm or 4am. Whereas a lot of households would benefit more from a reduced rate during the daytime.
The point of reduced rate at night is to shift consumption to when the grid has lower demand. Having cheaper energy in the day is the completely opposite.

Eg. washing machines and tumble driers on after 9:30Pm
Yeah…or as I said 1kWh 24/7. Not sure the calculation needs posting :p

I was saying we have a near constant level of use so it doesn’t benefit us if the rate was reduced at 6pm or 4am. Whereas a lot of households would benefit more from a reduced rate during the daytime.
What sort of boring life do you have to have constant electric draw.
What sort of boring life do you have to have to try and draw a line between my life and my household electricity usage? :confused: Not relevant at all in this thread so I'll leave you to your own musings.
Using that much electricity is naturally going to draw the question of "why". 24kWh a day is a lot - this week so far I'm only at 29.94kWh, for example.
So... Electric cars...

As mentioned a bit ago I really hadn't thought I'd be looking at one anytime soon but circumstances have changed a bit so now I'm seriously considering getting one.

It will be through a company so lease seems like the most sensible and fundamentally as cheap as possible sounds good :p The car that got me started looking seriously was the MG4 and that's still my leading contender really, it seems to tick all the boxes of enough toys/range/performance whilst also being cheap :)

Saying that with the MG4 I'd likely go at least the extended battery option if not full 'Trophy' spec which adds some 'nice to haves' it seems so not the base spec car. This is largely because I think a real world 200 mile range would be that bit nicer, it's not that important as I'll keep at least one of my ICE cars anyway so can just use that but 200 miles seems to cover my kinda regular worst case if that makes sense.

Are there any other cars worth looking at? Seems mostly that everything else is at least £100 a month more whilst not really giving much benefit?

Also charging/tariffs, this seems to be a slam dunk for Octopus Intelligent, or at least there basic Go tariff, either way nobody else seems close for home charging tariffs?

Any specific leasing companies to look at, not tied to any particular one, kinda tempted by Octopus themselves as might be able to talk to them about getting the Ohme charger for their intelligent tariff as part of the deal... But any particularly good ones?
A couple of thoughts:

Signing a new contract now will not be covered by the energy cap.

MG make good value cars, imagine the touchscreen might be a bit slow, as seems to be their way.
A couple of thoughts:

Signing a new contract now will not be covered by the energy cap.

MG make good value cars, imagine the touchscreen might be a bit slow, as seems to be their way.

I hadn't really considered it like that but makes sense, I cobbled together a spreadsheet to compare both my existing daily (MX5) and also electricity tariffs, seems as long as I'm charging the EV the Octopus Go tariff (which seems worse than the Intelligent tariff, not worked that one out yet) using the rates off their website/postcode checker it works out ~£20 cheaper than my existing tariff (Ovo standard/cap tariff)

Are the Octopus tariffs fixed for a period?

The touchscreen does seem to come up in reviews, it didn't look that bad really... Obviously going to sort out a test drive, probably gonna do the MG5 whilst I'm there as well as the extra boot space might be nice.
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