When did you last have an Alpha Male moment?

When i did this:


My parents are retiring soon and have bought a house in the countryside. It's seriously cut off, as a result it doesn't have a gas supply and relies on very expensive oil for heating. In order to offset this it has a massive cast iron wood burner in the living room (this thing is a beast, can heat the whole house) but wood is also expensive.

As a response to this my dad bought a chainsaw and an axe and we went off to the woods to hunt for decent wood to burn. We returned with two big chunks of pine and some other assorted wood, i then set about smashing them to pieces with a splitting maul. Never chopped wood before, it was awesome fun. Downside is that the above wood only lasted about a week, however I now spend an hour or two every time i visit collecting and chopping wood and i've gotten a lot more efficient at it.
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I was pretty proud when some of my (okay, it was a group project, but due to a mess up on the admin side, I was the only one credited :p) work was put up in a local museum, albeit temporarily. Probably amplified by the number of all nighters I had to put in to get it finished, but was pretty proud regardless.

Hopefully going to get something in as a permanent display at the end of this year, so that should be good too :cool:
Well I fixed the garage door the other day after i'd chucked a fully loaded barbell at it a few days previously, not sure which was the more Alpha act tbh, the fix or the chuck?:confused: The chuck I reckon.
out on sat night, chatted up a girl, was a bra fitter but has a new job now "I do miss people groping me at times though" with a cheeky wink. I didnt hesitate. Turned round to see friend with open mouth. got number, seeing her next week.

This doesnt happen to me often, so if you think it isnt alpha, dont ruin my moment and say so. :D

I don't understand how a bra fitter is getting groped in her job?
Finished my weeky shop at Tesco, walked out of the exit to see various people taking shelter from the rain before going into their respective cars.

I just powered on.

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