When do you leave work? (Poll?)

Contracted for 7 hours a day, as long as I start before 10 they don't care what actual hours I keep as long as I do my 7 per day.

I usually do 8:30 - 6ish though and stay later if there's a lot on.
Anything past 0600 and the overtime claim goes in. How anyone can willingly stay behind at work to get things finished is beyond me.
tenchi-fan said:
Some people in the office work late in the evening even though they don't get paid overtime, obviously trying to impress.
Is that what you really think? :shakes head: Oh dear.

Working hours are roughly normal office hours. Usually leave on time at 17:15, sometimes early if I feel like it (I always more hours every week than I am paid) but only if we aren't busy.
My employers are really strict about time keeping lunches etc... its almost laughable at times. I dont mind though i understand they are running a business. But this means as soon as the second has hits 5:30 i'm gone (or whenever my shift ends, because i do nights). If they were a little more forgiving on time restraints then i probably would stick around a bit longer, but its not worth it in my eyes.

I'm not at this job to bum lick just to earn money until september. So yes, its jacket on waiting for 5:30 and i'm on the way home in the car before 5:36!
Funnily enough I just started a new job today and the boss asked me what hours I would like to start and finish.. good sign. At the mo Im gonna do 8.30 - 4.30 and when I feel braver 7.30 - 3.30... resultage. ;)
i work on rotating shifts each week

I think the hours are great i dont mind getting up at 5:30 to get to work on time i dont really need to get up that early i just like to be in work 15 mins early. Im usuallly the last one to leave aswell.
Rotty said:
Engineer on major UNIX systems and storage , all systems up I sit about at home , system on it's arse I stay till it's fixed

Lies! You're a gangster!

I start at 11.30 usually, sometimes 10.30, sometimes 12.00, and I officially finish at any time up til 8, but our work comes in in downloads and the last is at 7.15, it's often empty or very small so we tend to leave at 7.15/7.30 most nights. Sometimes they let some of us go at about 5.30 if it's quiet, but we lose a bit of money that way, and apparently it can be the case that we're there til 9 or so sometimes. I'm still pretty new to it so I wouldn't know apart from what I've been told on that count.

So in the imaginary poll, when the job's done.
My hours vary from doing nothing and getting paid, to doing stupid hours, stupidly long drives after a days work etc.

I guess it balances out.

For instance today I left where I was staying at 5:30am and got home at 7:45pm. Yet last Tuesday I watched TV all day with my phone on!
Varies hugely. Have finished as early as Midday (12Pm), to as late as 5am in the morning after starting at 4Pm the following afternoon.

Out of the whole 24 hours in a day I have worked all apart from the hour between 5 and 6 in the morning.

Crazy hours.
when i've worked over the summer it varies from 5 to 9pm, as call me sad i quite enjoy working, and when its been summer jobs i've need the cash, and don't always have much else to do.

when i get a proper job post-uni I'll be willing to work the hours needed if it gets me somewhere on the career ladder.
I'm on a nominal 37.5hrs a week with core hours of 10 till 4 and lunch 12 till 2 so as long as I'm in the officefrom 10 till 12 and 2 till 4 it's up to me.

so that's the theory in reality it's 8.30 till 6 most days with 20mins or so for lunch. unless we are on a crunch for a release date in which case I can be there till 10pm. If I'm at a customer site it's usually 9 till 5:30 with anything up to a 2 hour commute on either side of that but it depends on the customer's working time. Add to that traveling time at weekends and LOTS of weeks away from home in hotels I put in an average week of about 45hours last financial year.

happytechie said:
I'm on a nominal 37.5hrs a week with core hours of 10 till 4 and lunch 12 till 2 so as long as I'm in the officefrom 10 till 12 and 2 till 4 it's up to me.

so that's the theory in reality it's 8.30 till 6 most days with 20mins or so for lunch. unless we are on a crunch for a release date in which case I can be there till 10pm. If I'm at a customer site it's usually 9 till 5:30 with anything up to a 2 hour commute on either side of that but it depends on the customer's working time. Add to that traveling time at weekends and LOTS of weeks away from home in hotels I put in an average week of about 45hours last financial year.

Sadly that sounds all too familiar but at least you're happy eh? ;) Of course when you start working for yourself you (meaning me not you of course) start to miss the idea of regular pay, weekends and holidays and if you're mainly working from home, it's bed to PC and back again breaking for lunch, dinner and that's about it. It's not that unusual for me to leave the house only once a week! Actually, that sounds really bad now I've written it down :(
tenchi-fan said:
I finish work at 5.30. I usually hang around a few minutes, using the internet, in an attempt to look like I don't run out the door at 5.30.
If you're that desperate to leave I'd suggest you're in the wrong job.
Some people in the office work late in the evening even though they don't get paid overtime, obviously trying to impress.
Some of us actually enjoy our jobs and will happily work late without overtime pay to ensure the job is done properly.

We work 8.30 to 5.30 with an hour for lunch and a 3pm finish on Friday. Although I make a point of taking a full hour out of the office for lunch, I'm regularly in just after 8am and not usually out until gone 6.30pm and I don't get paid overtime for this.

I love my job which is one reason I've been there for 15 years :D
Varies on shift, if im on Earlies, I start @ 7:45 and work till 4:30
Lates are 8:30 till the last child goes home from nursery...
If i'm not busy then i log off at 8:30pm and am usually in the car in the car park by 8:35, theres been a few occasions, not recently however when i have still been sat at my desk at 9pm, not really any later than that though.
Vertigo1 said:
If you're that desperate to leave I'd suggest you're in the wrong job.
Some of us actually enjoy our jobs and will happily work late without overtime pay to ensure the job is done properly.
So you think working for free is perfectly reasonable? Fine if it makes you happy but that's not for everyone. Personally, I make sure I get the job done on time and if I don't, well that's the project manager's fault for bad planning or my fault for making a bad estimate and I never work for free.
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