Yea, for that it made/makes less sense as RTG wasn't really competing with anything within the company, the CPU side of things wasn't really pulling the GPU side of things in two direction.
Where, and I'm paraphrasing what Linus said, it makes more sense for Nvidia is because the data centre (B2B, AI, etc, etc) side of things want, and get their own way due to the amount of revenue they can earn from that vs gaming, very different than what gaming demands. As someone asked in another thread what good is AI for gaming and while there are uses in gaming it's not to the same degree as businesses demand. The same with what someone mentioned about, i think, it was ULMB or whatever they're calling their new strobing tech, that's of no use most to businesses so it's unlikely to get as much investment as something that's of benefit to data centre (B2B, AI, etc, etc).
Basically because there's more profit to be made in the data centre (B2B, AI, etc, etc) there's a very high chance that their demands will win the day leaving the demands of gaming as the poor second cousin.