When the Queen dies....

15 Feb 2011
there was some codeword the military has for this - basically they've got a plan in place and the death will trigger a whole bunch people needing to polish stuff and get ready for a bunch of parades, gun salutes etc..

stores full of no1s and no2s (basically the smarter uniforms) will appear out of no-where and everything else gets canceled to make time for drill and more drill...

Basically yes, its not just for the queen though and since No1's are personally fitted and everyone has them already issued there's no store just for them.
Also it's just the guys tagged for the OP that drop everything, its not like the country would be defenceless at that point.
29 Jan 2008
when I had to wear no1s they came out of a store - though time was spent making sure what I took was the right size for me there was no personal fitting and they went back in the store afterwards

I realise not everyone will have to drop everything, I was exaggerating a bit when I said everything else gets cancelled but I'm sure there will be a large number of people across the country suddenly doing lots of drill :)
20 Apr 2014
Don't you all read David Icke??!!!!! She is a 7ft shape shifting lizard ;) :p There will be no death.

Lol :D I was just about to mention him. Hasn't he made a fortune convincing idiot yanks that certain high powered people are Lizards and Aliens etc :eek:
12 Jul 2007
Look at the amount of world-wide press for Wills and Kates marriage and kids etc. I think it'll surprise a lot of people in the UK to see the amount of world-wide news coverage it gets when she goes, even more-so if she goes before Phillip and is still Monarch (if he goes first I think she'd abdicate).
18 Oct 2002
Was having this conversation on Wednesday at the cinema (before the film starts, I might add) and somehow lead to the conversation of what will happen when Liz goes. She's 90 in nearly a month or so and it's obviously inevitable.

So, what happens? Every TV channel just changes to the news and plays God Save the Queen, right? The banks close down and we lose billions over the next few weeks? How many public holidays will we get? Who'll go to work instead?

Here's that moment that the Queen Mother news was broken and Peter Sissons got flak for not wearing a black tie blahblahblah

So yeah, Friday night discussion about when the Queen dies, GO.

It is treason to imagine the death of the Monarch.

Rick James, you will be taken to the place from whence you came, from there to be dragged through the city of London to the place of execution called Tyburn. There to be hanged; cut down while still alive. Your privy parts cut off and your bowels taken out of your body and burned before you. Your head cut off and your body divided into four parts. The head and the quarters to be set at such places as the Queen shall assign.
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16 Aug 2009
It is treason to imagine the death of the Monarch.

Rick James, you will be taken to the place from whence you came, from there to be dragged through the city of London to the place of execution called Tyburn. There to be hanged; cut down while still alive. Your privy parts cut off and your bowels taken out of your body and burned before you. Your head cut off and your body divided into four parts. The head and the quarters to be set at such places as the Queen shall assign.

Bugger, you beat me to it. It is indeed treason. When was the death penalty repealed for treason? Not that long ago iirc. In good ol' Henry VIII's time you'd have lost your head for that.
5 Sep 2015
What will happen? The media will go ape-sh .... ummm, crazy. I'll watch coverage for 5 minutes, wonder briefly whether Charlie will take it or let it bypass him (my bet is he takes it), and from that point on I will pay as much attention to it as it merits by the effect it has on my life, which is to say, none whatever. In fact, it sounds like an ideal moment to book a short-notice holiday somewhere else, preferably in a remote resort in a country with minimal TV and no internet. A spiritual retreat in the Andes, maybe.
30 Jun 2007
The corronation will be the big thing.

Personally i hope charles decides to abdicate before hea corronated and it passes to william
16 Dec 2008
What will happen? The media will go ape-sh .... ummm, crazy. I'll watch coverage for 5 minutes, wonder briefly whether Charlie will take it or let it bypass him (my bet is he takes it), and from that point on I will pay as much attention to it as it merits by the effect it has on my life, which is to say, none whatever. In fact, it sounds like an ideal moment to book a short-notice holiday somewhere else, preferably in a remote resort in a country with minimal TV and no internet. A spiritual retreat in the Andes, maybe.

Exactly my thoughts. Back in the days people thought the monarchs were chosen by God blah blah blah, but they simply subjugated our ancestors and there's really nothing special about them.

The only reason I support keeping them around is that they make the country good money through tourism, or at least more than they spend.
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