When will the censorship of anything criticising immigration stop?

Anyone that is trying to argue that Christmas is not related to Christianity must surely be arguing for the sake of arguing.
I didn't argue it wasn't related to, just that in the context of this discussion, it is a british tradition which doesn't have to have religious significance.
None of my family are religious, yet we still celebrate it. I know other families who observe non-christian religions, and they still celebrate it. Obviously neither of us are attaching any religious significance to it, and I'm not sure why it's existance and Muslims potentially not celebrating it would stop them from integrating into British society. Which was actually the point being argued.
I asked for examples of bits of british culture which everyone except muslims observe, and christmas and easter were the only ones.
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Cultures obviously evolve gradually, but what is happening with immigration is that they arent evolving, they are being forced to change to suit the people who dont want to integrate.
As highlighted with the example of the Irish in the US, that's exactly how cultures change... But in the case of Britain I'd say that there are many more changes coming from all angles than there are just because of immigration.
The de-religion of christmas and its commercialisation has absolutely naff all to do with immigration.
As highlighted with the example of the Irish in the US, that's exactly how cultures change... But in the case of Britain I'd say that there are many more changes coming from all angles than there are just because of immigration.
The de-religion of christmas and its commercialisation has absolutely naff all to do with immigration.
Where have I claimed anything about immigration being the cause of the 'de-religion' of Christmas. If immigration carries on and they refuse to integrate, it could end up being the cause of us having 'no Christmas', though.
Where have I claimed anything about immigration being the cause of the 'de-religion' of Christmas. If immigration carries on and they refuse to integrate, it could end up being the cause of us having 'no Christmas', though.
Why would it? Do you know any muslims who are anti-christmas? Is this a new threat that you should be ringing sky news about?

I wasn't saying you had said immigration was the cause of the de-religion, I was pointing out that british culture is changing before your very eyes, because of British people, it has very very little to do with immigration.
Or perhaps it is people like you who hijack and nitpick at any views that are anti-immigration and attempt to turn any arguments into 'racist' ones.

I'm not pro-immigration, I'm anti stupid restrictions on immigration. There is a world of difference.
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