When you make a cup of tea...

For some reason, and I don't know why, Mrs Dimple always puts a used can (usually tomatoes) at the side of the sink and I'm ordered to put my bags in there :confused:
straight in the bin unless the bin is full, in which case I leave it on the kitchen top until I decide I have the energy to get a new bin bag out the cupboard.


Usually on the pile of plates that have accumulated since I last washed up. Then I pull a face as I have to touch a dirty, smelly, soggy teabag to throw it in the bin :D
Reach into the cup of boiling water, grab the teabag and squeeze it, throw it into bin. I have asbestos fingers so none of this teaspoon malarkey.
What do you do with the tea bag?

Do you have a small dish type object to place it on? Do you annoyingly leave it on the side of the sink for your partner to place into the bin, even though the bin was just as close, if not closer to your tea making station than the sink was?

Or do you get things done, and go straight for the bin?

It is Sunday, it is the time of the exciting pre-working week discussion!

my ex neighbours used to hang theirs on the washing line, must be a guji type thing going on. Me? I put it in the bin.

Unless I'm at the parents then it's into the compost bin as the council are like the stazi about teabags in the general rubbish.
I have a little dish to put them in. I try and build a teabag skyscraper but my wife usually bins them before I get too carried away....
I do it like the pron star do it and rub it over my wife's face, at least that is what I heard pornstars do :confused:
Straight in the bin here.

I used to have a housemate at Uni who would put teabags in the sink or on a small plate and leave them for a few weeks.
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