When you make a cup of tea...

Usually put in sink

I hate you and people like you. My mum does this when she visits and it winds me right up - it means the next person who wants to use the sink then has to fish your soggy foetid teabag out of the plughole and put it in the sink before they can do what they need to do!

Why? What possible reason could you have for leaving it in the sink unless you're going out of your way to be inconsiderate?! :mad::p
Straight to the bin... after carefully balancing it on the spoon and then dripping annoying tea stains on the floor and having to wipe them up.
We have a little round, chrome plated flip bin type thing at the tea making place. About 6" tall, holds quite a few bags before needing emptying.
We have a Philadelphia tub that bags go into, then into the bin when it's full, I should really start a compost bin for summer or something in our garden.
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