Location in UK in such a trade off, weather Vs affordability Vs population density. And that's before you consider ties like family and friends etc.
South of France?
Location in UK in such a trade off, weather Vs affordability Vs population density. And that's before you consider ties like family and friends etc.
OP has already stated that they were on a working VISA that they cannot now renew due to their age
South of France?
Location in UK in such a trade off, weather Vs affordability Vs population density. And that's before you consider ties like family and friends etc.
Location in UK in such a trade off, weather Vs affordability Vs population density. And that's before you consider ties like family and friends etc.
It really isn't. Being happy with where you are and who with is the most important thing.
I for one love where I live.
30 Minutes from the coast.
Being in the midlands means access to both the south and north is not a huge drive away.
Some of the best weather in the country. (Hottest day in summer was down the road from me).
Lowest population density county in the country whilst also being the second biggest.
Housing is relatively cheap and it is also the agricultural capital of the country so job availability is good for all walks of life.
Ability to retire earlier due to not having a massive mortgage.
I am a petrol head and Cadwell park is only 30 minutes from my house, Donnington park 90 mins and Silverstone just under 2 hours
Everyone's needs are different however so find what is best for you.
For myself at least Norfolk, Yorkshire and Cumbria match my Criteria but Cumbria can get a bit nippy at times. Norfolk has beautiful scenery around Thetford etc but getting out can be a bit of a treck.
I sacrificed family for geography!
Must be hard if you have family in an expensive area and want to stay close but don't have means to pay for the housing!
My family live in the east of England. So had to be sacrificed!
is he the one with the balcony photo also? seems someone is obsessed with their garden/viewSaw thread title, wondered how many posts it would be before moonman posted that photo.
My better half has strong family ties to Southampton, I couldn't even get her to consider moving to far more affordable area around Warminster, which is just 50mins away on the train! Prices here are silly, very little we can afford in less desireable areas, I an see us being stuck in the rental trap until any inheritance comes along, which you never wish for. For the price of typically a grotty area two bed flat here, you can get a house/bungalow with a garden in many areas of Wales.
I couldn't wait to get out of Suffolk. I lived very near Thetford. Less than 15 miles. Most boring place I ever lived. Liked growing up as a kid. But soon as I had transport and adventure hobbies, there was just nothing left for me.
Scenery is just fields too. Endless fields.
It is amazing how different we are. Only place I've spent time in I disliked more than more than Thetford area was the fens.
Now that's a grim place!
My family live in the east of England. So had to be sacrificed as I just hated it there.