Where to get 98 RON?

25 Dec 2008
Since my 'new' car recommends 98 RON if available I thought I might start using that. But I'm struggling to find places that even sell it?
My local Sainsbury's et al don't.

Where do you get the good stuff? And anyone based in Shrewsbury who knows where to go?

Edit: To clarify, I mean Super Unleaded rather than 98RON specifically
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Any super unleaded will be 97-99 RON. Any Shell will certainly do vPower (99 RON), as do most Tesco stores with their "Momentum" 99 RON fuel.
Both the Sainsburys I regularly get fuel from sell super unleaded, though I don't know if it's 97 or 98. Any Shell station will have V-Power (at a price!) and the larger Tesco stations sell "Momentum 99" which is 99 RON.
Sorry, I should have clarified - I'm not after 98 RON specifically, just 'super'. Tesco is doable though the other side of town which is a bit of a chore (about 5 miles through town). The nearest Shell is a few miles out of town.

Sounds like I'm just in a rubbish area for decent petrol :p
you can shove in ron booster with normal petrol, same difference :)

millers was the product I used, the difference in knock was actually quite astounding
Sainsburys Super is 97, I use it despite the Clio saying 98 is recommended. Little/no difference.
A couple of the smaller chains do it as well, there's a Total near me, I think they have one called Excellium or something, if there's one of those near you?
you can shove in ron booster with normal petrol, same difference :)

millers was the product I used, the difference in knock was actually quite astounding

Out of interest what car do you use it with, and why? (rather than using higher-octane fuel, assuming you stick in 95 at the moment). Also how much does it cost?
Esso/BP/Total all list their Super as 97, I don't know about Texaco. Like people have said Tesco/V-Power is rated at 99, im not sure about ASDA/Morrisons. I haven't had a car that uses super in a while so don't really pay attention to it any more but I remember how annoying it was when a station didn't have any /grr.
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[TW]Fox;22268885 said:
I don't think it is - Super Unleaded is 97 RON whereas the higher RON stuff like VPower and BP Ultimate tends to be 99 RON.

I use Sainsburys Super. It's 97 RON but it's fine.

Yeah, Optimax (replaced by V-Power) was 98RON but I can't think of any others.
Isn't BP ultimate 98RON?

Also it is not true that any Shell station has Vpower, I've seen stations that do no stock it.

Really, where? Shell do not have a Super Unleaded product that isnt VPower so you are suggesting there are Shell sites with only two grades of fuel, this seems unlikely.
Out of interest what car do you use it with, and why? (rather than using higher-octane fuel, assuming you stick in 95 at the moment). Also how much does it cost?

high bhp scoob which was had a selective map one was for 100 ron :)

£30 for ten bottles I think but I could be wrong :)
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