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Which CPU Cooler For Your Ryzen 5000?

25 Nov 2020
5800X with this ;)



Looks huge! It may just be the photo perspective but I'm wondering if that'll fit in my Fractal Meshify C...
25 Nov 2020
5800X on its way, coming tomorrow/Friday. I thought I'd placed a ghost order with a competitor but they updated me today, looks like it was actually in stock (£450).
I need to shift into gear and get a suitable cooler.
Been looking at BQ Pure Rock 2. May be a bit too low-range though..
25 Nov 2020
Not at all impressed with my BQ Dark Rock Slim. Need suggestions for another cooler as this one is getting sold. I had my Mystic light setting to suit CPU temps and noticed it went red (80+ degC). I had CAD running idle, Factorio just doing stuff in the background, a Google Meet on the go and a few tabs. Spotify and Excel sat idle.

Had it running NiceHash overnight and HWInfo64 says max CPU temp was 92.5 degC

Surely that's not right...
25 Nov 2020
just keep in mind your experience may be different, slight difference in PBO settings or even same settings on different board and your CPU will flat out to 90C under load, also definitions of full load are kind of fluid ;) I'm pretty sure it's not keeping it under 70C with something like Prime95 Small FFT & AVX, unless CPU is in ECO mode ;)

Surely it can't be worse than what I've got?
25 Nov 2020
As I have had no further temperature issues with my Dark Rock Slim I am assuming it was an anomaly and will stick with it for now. It was bizarre that temps got so high with the PC barely doing anything. Dodgy sensor maybe?
25 Nov 2020
I am a little surprised at the temperatures for what is a good high end cooler, but its not out of the ordinary for a 5800X even for such a cooler so i guess it just is what it is.

My dark rock slim was around that in Cinebench. For games I believe it hovers in the low 70's. I'll check this morning what it's like just running Zoom... I think I'm at the lower limit of air cooling for a 5800X
Last edited:
25 Nov 2020
This video is pretty interesting. A 5950x PBO2 on a Slim: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tN-Q3kshVwk

That is interesting. I'm all over the place with my opinion on my Dark Rock Slim. I have had my PC on all day. It's currently running a batch export with Autodesk Task Scheduler while I'm looking at a decent sized model on Inventor and my temps are sitting in the mid-60s with a maximum of 75C according to HWInfo64. It could definitely be tested more but as an example of my average usage I think I'm happy with that.

I found my temps during Cinebench - 80.5C.

So for today I'm happy with the Slim. I'll just need to read a couple more posts before I'm determined to sell it for an AIO again though :p
25 Nov 2020
I'm trying to think if eco mode on the 5800x with a dark rock slim is a good way to know if there is just a bottleneck in heat dissipation due to die density. My brain tells me if you run cinebench in eco mode and you are only say 4-5c lower there is probably just a bottleneck but if it turns out you are like 12-15c cooler then the slim isn't the bottleneck and better cooling in non eco mode would make a decent difference. Maybe I'm wrong but that seems like a decent idea. I do know that the 5600x does not really suffer from the temp issues of a 5800x since it's 65w but the extra 2 cores in the same area should give some indication of a temp bottleneck.

Is this eco mode using Ryzen Master? So just enable that and run cinebench and see what comes of it? I don't mind trying it out if it helps your research. It may have to be toward the weekend when I get some free time though if that's OK?

What temps did you have during those idle cad program that was worrying you?

This was the experience I had when temps went unusually high:
Not at all impressed with my BQ Dark Rock Slim. Need suggestions for another cooler as this one is getting sold. I had my Mystic light setting to suit CPU temps and noticed it went red (80+ degC). I had CAD running idle, Factorio just doing stuff in the background, a Google Meet on the go and a few tabs. Spotify and Excel sat idle.

Had it running NiceHash overnight and HWInfo64 says max CPU temp was 92.5 degC

Surely that's not right...
25 Nov 2020
I still haven't got round to the experiment Gregl suggested but I have just ran an experiment of my own.

The only real situation where my PC/workstation (see sig) will see intense CPU load is when I render images of 3D models in Inventor. I decided to try and render an image from a fairly complex model and just let it keep rendering until I stopped it. My results (5800X / BQ Dark Rock Slim):

After running all day and using CAD the CPU was sitting around 45-50ish. Then I started the render and Task Manager showed CPU usage ramped right up to 100%. Heard my silent PC start making whirry fan noises. I checked the temperature with HWInfo64 every minute for 6 minutes:

01:00 - 83 degrees
02:00 - 84.4 degrees
03:00 - 85 degrees
04:00 - 84.9 degrees
05:00 - 85.1 degrees
06:00 - 85 degrees

A longer run would be better but I need to get some work done. Within 20 seconds of stopping the render it dropped to 50ish and sits in the mid-40s at the moment while everything idles.

Maybe that's useful. Maybe not.
25 Nov 2020
Reviving this as I've been thinking too long of replacing my Dark Rock Slim. I've noticed the performance in my PC being a bit funny at times and could probably do with improving CPU temps.

Are these bad for a 5800X and should I get a better cooler? Max temp in red suggests (to me) yes to both.

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