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1 Jun 2006
Except the issue happened after a game update. Looks like you intentionally skipped that fact. Heck, even a faster gpu is fine with the R5 1600.

the thing is regardless of update any current ryzen will struggle to maintain fps needed for such a high hz monitor. some are suggesting upgrade to cpus which will still struggle. currently only intel at that range will give the high end performance he seeks. so keep the cpu you have then see how the new amds are when they come out. they are supposed to match current intel chips ipc and have more cores. buying anything now is daft when in couple of months you could have what you seek.
21 Sep 2018
the thing is regardless of update any current ryzen will struggle to maintain fps needed for such a high hz monitor. some are suggesting upgrade to cpus which will still struggle. currently only intel at that range will give the high end performance he seeks. so keep the cpu you have then see how the new amds are when they come out. they are supposed to match current intel chips ipc and have more cores. buying anything now is daft when in couple of months you could have what you seek.

Wait, you are same dude that said PUBG runs better with intel, showed you a graph proving otherwise and you said take your word.

Max setting . . .


lower the setting a bit and any or AMD cpu will manage 200fps. Intel will prolly get over 200, so what? Op, has a 165Hz monitor.
1 Jun 2006
so amd cpus will lower ipc than intel and cant clock as high as intel are somehow faster ? i think i will just leave it there. pubg is faster literally every other game is on a intel chip at the resolution he plays at. high hz monitors you want intel chips for gaming. you dont need to reply. its proven.
21 Sep 2018
so amd cpus will lower ipc than intel and cant clock as high as intel are somehow faster ? i think i will just leave it there. pubg is faster literally every other game is on a intel chip at the resolution he plays at. high hz monitors you want intel chips for gaming. you dont need to reply. its proven.

Believe whatever you want to believe but it would be silly for op to go intel even at 165Hz monitor in SS. I got games to play, so go.lol
3 Mar 2019
so amd cpus will lower ipc than intel and cant clock as high as intel are somehow faster ? i think i will just leave it there. pubg is faster literally every other game is on a intel chip at the resolution he plays at. high hz monitors you want intel chips for gaming. you dont need to reply. its proven.

My AMD CPU (1600) can get 140+ FOS you just need to lower some settings and stop playing on ultra all the time.
21 Sep 2018
What is the best way to do this? Is the Ryzen Master software any good or not?

Here is a guide using Ryzen Master . . .

https://www.amd.com/system/files/TechDocs/AMD Ryzen Processor and AMD Ryzen Master Overclocking Users Guide.pdf

I use the BIOS to oc. Try RM, then you can transfer a stable oc values to the BIOS in the future.

Make sure you have a good cpu cooler. If the stock cooler, replace the stock paste with something like MX-4. The R5 1600 boosts to 3.7 GHz on one or two cores. You can try 3.7GHz without touching the vcore. Ideally, 3.9-4GHz will be worth the trouble but, like I said, a good air cooler is needed.

Also, I set my Windows Power Plan to Balance (I don't use Ryzen Master) with the Minimum Processor State under Advance settings at 25%.

BTW, use HWINFO 64 to monitor your temps, voltages, and clocks.
21 Sep 2018
OK i did this, i got 1080

A bit too low. What are your other specs? Motherboard, RAM, Cooler. Are your RAM running at 2400MHz at least?

Run HWINFO64 in the background in a bench or game. Make sure your cpu and vrms are not overheating. In BIOS, set Global Cstate to Auto. Disable any other app except HWINFO.
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1 Jun 2006
Believe whatever you want to believe but it would be silly for op to go intel even at 165Hz monitor in SS. I got games to play, so go.lol

i didnt say go buy a intel chip its stupid buying any cpu at moment with new cpus on the way in a couple of months. i just said that if you want the best experience in games then you choose intel at the moment. amd are slower on ipc by about 15 percent and most cant clock anywhere near intel chips. thats why in games they are 15 percent up and the extra 500-1ghz on a amd cpu. that cant be competed with until summer time. amd have apparantly closed the ipc 15 percent deficit to level. then its just down to clock speed. this is why you seen the 8 core just slightly beat the 9900k the thing is though will it be highly clocked ? if the 2700x replacement and thats what it is doesnt clock high or is shipped at say 4ghz which i dont think it will be that would still be close to 1ghz down in games.i realistically think and hope for 4.5ghz will be where it hits. that puts it still behind ingames but very good value at £320 ish quid. which is where the 2700x sits. the thing is intel will then just drop the intel i7 9700k which is faster core speed down to say £350.
22 Nov 2018
i didnt say go buy a intel chip its stupid buying any cpu at moment with new cpus on the way in a couple of months. i just said that if you want the best experience in games then you choose intel at the moment. amd are slower on ipc by about 15 percent and most cant clock anywhere near intel chips. thats why in games they are 15 percent up and the extra 500-1ghz on a amd cpu. that cant be competed with until summer time. amd have apparantly closed the ipc 15 percent deficit to level. then its just down to clock speed. this is why you seen the 8 core just slightly beat the 9900k the thing is though will it be highly clocked ? if the 2700x replacement and thats what it is doesnt clock high or is shipped at say 4ghz which i dont think it will be that would still be close to 1ghz down in games.i realistically think and hope for 4.5ghz will be where it hits. that puts it still behind ingames but very good value at £320 ish quid. which is where the 2700x sits. the thing is intel will then just drop the intel i7 9700k which is faster core speed down to say £350.

So you're saying the Intel i5 can beat the Ryzen 5? and the i7 can beat the Ryzen 7? and the Threadripper can beat the Intel i9?

Intel may have a higher IPC but AMD has a higher core count.
1 Jun 2006
intel i5 can currently beat on avg any amd cpu in games. i7 is even quicker. i9 quicker slightly again. threadripper isnt beating any of them. on avg in games.

intel has better ipc plus mhz advantage currently. so it doesnt matter about cores. as intel have the cores needed for gaming covered also the extra mhz and the ipc currently. so there is no point in buying any cpu amd wise or intel until new cpus are out. on avg intel in games are 15 percent ipc in front . then the extra clock speed. so quite a bit. for high hz monitors and gaming it really helps mattters.

just wait till summer grab relevant amd cpu. if they are that quick intel will drop prices to compete aswell so its win win. there is no point now in buying anything amd at the moment.none.unless its obviously cheap .
11 Jan 2019
Sure i'll take your word.lol

Dont post missleading crap.
Stock none k cpu V max OC ryzen cpu.
Factor in the top flight motherboard and ram need by the ryzen cpu to run at that speed the build cost would be more than a k chip i5 on a budget z board with cheap ass ram. And the i5 would crush the ryzen in that set up.

People did that for years with amd bulldozer v i7's @5ghz.

The question here is not who as the best ipc, the question is can ryzen run high refresh monitors and the answer is yes
21 Sep 2018
Dont post missleading crap.
Stock none k cpu V max OC ryzen cpu.
Factor in the top flight motherboard and ram need by the ryzen cpu to run at that speed the build cost would be more than a k chip i5 on a budget z board with cheap ass ram. And the i5 would crush the ryzen in that set up.

People did that for years with amd bulldozer v i7's @5ghz.

The question here is not who as the best ipc, the question is can ryzen run high refresh monitors and the answer is yes

Why don't you follow the discussion first. That's a response to DG saying that the only reason to buy an AMD cpu if it is really cheap. I agree. And Ryzen can run a 165 Hz monitor the op has for the game in question. Like I said, read before posting. lol

Check out post no. 31. So, that i7 7800X can't be used for 165Hz monitor? You can't adjust settings?

Also, that argument Ryzen needing more expensive ram is BS. I see intel systems ending up with a more expensive ram.
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25 Apr 2007
i didnt say go buy a intel chip its stupid buying any cpu at moment with new cpus on the way in a couple of months.

March to July is potentially as much as five months. Maybe new AMD products will be widely available by June or maybe they'll be in short supply (and heavily gouged) until August. Maybe they'll be as great as everyone hopes or maybe they'll be just okay. It's a lot of maybes.

Anandtech says it's a great time to buy a CPU as every product is on the table. It's all a matter of opinion.
11 Jan 2019
Also, that argument Ryzen needing more expensive ram is BS. I see intel systems ending up with a more expensive ram.

ryzen over 3000Mhz need samsung Bdie. ryzen over 3600mhz is getting to the point of impossible but can still be done with the absolute best ram.
intel just tends to work with anything.

look att he photo intel with 2666mhz ram (and i bet its cheap crap) is within 5-8% of ryzen @4.2Ghz running 3400Mhz ram. i can guarantee you thats not corsair budget ram.
i would love to know why in the 2 tests OC and none OC they changed the ram?
22 Nov 2018
amd have apparantly closed the ipc 15 percent deficit to level. then its just down to clock speed. this is why you seen the 8 core just slightly beat the 9900k the thing is though will it be highly clocked ?

That 9900k at CES would have had an all core boost clock of 4.7GHz and it got beaten by AMD.

If you overclock the 9900k to 5GHz, that's only a 300MHz advantage from 4.7GHz where it got beaten.

We don't know how fast the AMD chip was clocked at but if it was 4GHz like you suggested, that's great if it beats a 4.7GHz chip.
1 Jun 2006
in cinebench not games ! very important part of the equation especially when you want the cpu for mainly gaming. previous amd cpus have beaten intel cpus in cinebench guess how they faired in games ? yep slower. i really do hope the new gen amd cpus are good got money sat here to update a rig with if they are.
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