Yup, you might want to defrag your windows partition first though.
I was actually going to try out Ubuntu today, after trying "gutsy gibbon" or some thing sounding like that, long time ago
But what can you actually do with it?
Forgive the lack of knowledge! It is a genuine question!
Surely that question's like saying 'what can you do with windows' or 'what can you do with OSX?'
So let me ask it like this.
What do you use Ubuntu for?/ What can Ubuntu be used for?
I am gona do some reading and try it out my self
I wanted to implement a VOIP system, and found out most of the freeware VOIP stuff is for linux.
What do you use windows for? You use linux for the same stuff
WINE can be flaky. In my experience it ranges from ok to awful depending upon the game. If you want to play games then stick to windows. For most other things linux can be fantastic.
You use your pc for benchmarks??? I hope that is more exciting than it sounds
So, just create a partition and whack it on there via a bootable USB?
I use and like Ubuntu, some people hate the new unity UI but I think it will get better and the setup and update process is simple. Everything seems to work out of the box first time with no messing about.
Other people seem to like Linux Mint although I have not tried it, from what I have seen it looks promising.
Linux is still a tad geeky methinks, I had to use the terminal to get the Wifi adaptor working with Lubuntu and it's got a wacky bug with the power management which is half fixed.
Other than that it seems ok and simple enough for my elderly friend to get to grips with when I return his now fixed netbook tomorrow.