Which Docker containers are you using?

If anyones looking for something that offers an Amazon S3 like object storage solution I would highly recommend Minio - can use multiple disks and hosts and appears to be very capable with a very active development community.

Got it running at work at a very large scale - so decided to run at home as well now with no issues so far (4 disks / 2 docker hosts giving 16TB usable/resiliant space from 32TB of physical disk).
If anyones looking for something that offers an Amazon S3 like object storage solution I would highly recommend Minio - can use multiple disks and hosts and appears to be very capable with a very active development community.

Got it running at work at a very large scale - so decided to run at home as well now with no issues so far (4 disks / 2 docker hosts giving 16TB usable/resiliant space from 32TB of physical disk).

How much? I need an option for Cloud backups that I can use with say Duplicati. Having played about with AWS free tier I like the idea of a cheap cloud service platform/storage solution, but no idea on costs for about 2/3TB of storage for maybe 2/3 backups a week. Going back to Dropbox paid £9pm for 2TB+ may be the cheaper/better option?
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How much? I need an option for Cloud backups that I can use with say Duplicati. Having played about with AWS free tier I like the idea of a cheap cloud service platform/storage solution, but no idea on costs for about 2/3TB of storage for maybe 2/3 backups a week. Going back to Dropbox paid £9pm for 2TB+ may be the cheaper/better option?
It's free / open source - you run it in docker or install it on a server etc.
My NUC runs proxmox and has the following


guacamole (remote desktop)
statping (monitoring)
valheim dedicated server
grafana (Part of 'TIG' stack)
portainer (docker management)
fireflyiii (finance)
gogs (Git service)
zigbee2mqtt (I pass a zigbee usb stick to it)

Plex (Quick sync enabled)
mosquitt mqtt (I don't need a dedicated lxc for this)
influxbd (TIG)
bind (used for external dns to get around the hostname limits of freedns)
3x marinadb instances for some of the docker services above
splunk (I want to replace this with graylog)
dokuwiki (I don't use this much anymore)
nodered (used instead of Home assistant automations)

And finally I have Home assistant running as a VM (official virtual image)

I think there's just something particularly cool about running OSX right on your UnRAID box! It's also got me out of a few holes.

The only problem I had with it is that I needed some apps to think that I had a soundcard (which my UnRAID box doesn't). Soundflower fixed that nicely.
I've been watching a load of SpaceinvaderOne videos on youtube. He has basically all the above in tutotorials. Im sure some of you set up your Unraids based on his haha.

This is something I want to do 100% Unraid looks very user friendly but also powerful if you know linux (I don't).

Do you think my 6700k and 16gb RAM would run all this ok?

I was looking at buying a 2nd seconds dell powerblade and using proxmox but think thats overkill/power hungry etc and Unraid looks way better and easier to use!

I am close to upgrading my CPU/MOBO/RAM in my gaming PC so thought I could use my 6700k 16GB RAM and repurpose to an UnRaid server.

Things I would do

- Plex (4K no transcode, direct play)
- Shinobi CCTV
- Macinabox (just for fun/play around)
- Linux VMs (again to mess around)
- PiHole

Maybe a few other things.

1 direct stream of Plex is all that would be needed. Would I need a GPU with HEVC in the Unraid box for this? How about the other end?

Would I be able to say have a small basic PC/NUC downstairs and load the Macinabox with 4k resolution fullscreen with no slowdown or anything 60fps? Would I just launch a browser and make it fullscreen?

I have watched so many videos but they all just show the VM/Docker on the Unraid server directly.

I would want the server upstairs/ in the loft. Then be able to watch 4K direct play downstairs and also launch Macinabox/others etc.

How does this sound?
I've been watching a load of SpaceinvaderOne videos on youtube. He has basically all the above in tutotorials. Im sure some of you set up your Unraids based on his haha.

This is something I want to do 100% Unraid looks very user friendly but also powerful if you know linux (I don't).

Do you think my 6700k and 16gb RAM would run all this ok?

I was looking at buying a 2nd seconds dell powerblade and using proxmox but think thats overkill/power hungry etc and Unraid looks way better and easier to use!

I am close to upgrading my CPU/MOBO/RAM in my gaming PC so thought I could use my 6700k 16GB RAM and repurpose to an UnRaid server.

Things I would do

- Plex (4K no transcode, direct play)
- Shinobi CCTV
- Macinabox (just for fun/play around)
- Linux VMs (again to mess around)
- PiHole

Maybe a few other things.

1 direct stream of Plex is all that would be needed. Would I need a GPU with HEVC in the Unraid box for this? How about the other end?

Would I be able to say have a small basic PC/NUC downstairs and load the Macinabox with 4k resolution fullscreen with no slowdown or anything 60fps? Would I just launch a browser and make it fullscreen?

I have watched so many videos but they all just show the VM/Docker on the Unraid server directly.

I would want the server upstairs/ in the loft. Then be able to watch 4K direct play downstairs and also launch Macinabox/others etc.

How does this sound?

You can direct play 4K from a Pi, it's just sending data to a client, not doing anything to it prior, so no iGPU or GPU needed for that. VM wise you could remote into the VM, or pass a GPU direct to the VM and have it output to a screen, is that going to comfortably do 4K/60fps with no slowdown? That kind of depends on what you are doing and what the hardware at either end is and if it's via some form of remote desktop or native output via balun's etc.
Unless things have changed recently, Macinabox is just another VM albeit one with a bit of an advanced set up process. So to access it, you’d need to use a remote desktop connection such as VNC. There are other apps that you can use too of course.
You can direct play 4K from a Pi, it's just sending data to a client, not doing anything to it prior, so no iGPU or GPU needed for that. VM wise you could remote into the VM, or pass a GPU direct to the VM and have it output to a screen, is that going to comfortably do 4K/60fps with no slowdown? That kind of depends on what you are doing and what the hardware at either end is and if it's via some form of remote desktop or native output via balun's etc.

Ah, the direct play is handled client-side rather than server-side. Makes sense.

I suppose the best solution then is to actually have the Unraid box in the living room so that I can output to a screen with a GPU passthrough. This would enable 4K 60fps as if it were running "bare metal" haha I just learnt that term..

This would also negate the need to buy an additional PC just to use as a client to remote into the server.

I could just run my Gaming PC(dedicated) with no real need to talk to the Unraid server

Then just have an Unraid server in a nice case with maybe 4 drive bays in the living room outputting directly to TV for plex/shinobi/pi hole etc..

I think the 6700k would handle this just fine then. I would just need to buy a dedicated GPU solely for 4K 60 output, assuming the cheapest GPUs (when available) would handle this with ease and perhaps silently as well!

** EDIT - Why would anyone want to transcode other than to watch on mobile? I have no intentio or need to watch on mobile **

**EDIT 2 - I would want something like Retro Pie to run on the Unraid as well so perhaps a slightly better GPU would be needed **

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Servers are ideally best kept away from where you want to view your media, if I am watching a film, I generally don't want flashing lights, fans and drives spinning, especially if my server suddenly needs to spin up the array and do some actual work/move data off the cache drive, it doesn't have to be though, but consider what you value here - I didn't drop decent money on AV kit to listen to drives/fans. Plex runs as a client/server set-up, you run Plex (server) on UnRAID, it sends the data to the client which could be a smart TV or something like a Roku/FireTV/Shield etc. which plays the content back on screen and provides a remote/UI etc. You don't generally hook up a GPU from unRAID just to run a VM to run a Plex client in, technically you could, but i'd suggest you can do better - CEC is a thing and most client remotes are more suited to this than say having to pass a USB hub through to a VM and use a FLIRC etc.

Transcoding is usually down to poor choices. If you curate your media properly and choose appropriate formats that your clients can play, choose appropriate clients, connect the client to the server with adequate bandwidth, then you don't need to transcode (perhaps audio, if you have an amp that can do some of the more exotic audio formats justice, but the overhead is minimal). Start encoding in unsuitable video formats that your clients can't play, connect them using wifi or power line, choose the wrong clients, and you end up transcoding. Remote users are a different story. You still get people who have some idea that if they play a 4K version back and it's transcoded, it'll look better. Those people don't understand how transcoding works (Plex natively outputs at 1080/8Mbit SDR, a decent 1080 rip will generally be superior to this).
Servers are ideally best kept away from where you want to view your media, if I am watching a film, I generally don't want flashing lights, fans and drives spinning, especially if my server suddenly needs to spin up the array and do some actual work/move data off the cache drive, it doesn't have to be though, but consider what you value here - I didn't drop decent money on AV kit to listen to drives/fans. Plex runs as a client/server set-up, you run Plex (server) on UnRAID, it sends the data to the client which could be a smart TV or something like a Roku/FireTV/Shield etc. which plays the content back on screen and provides a remote/UI etc. You don't generally hook up a GPU from unRAID just to run a VM to run a Plex client in, technically you could, but i'd suggest you can do better - CEC is a thing and most client remotes are more suited to this than say having to pass a USB hub through to a VM and use a FLIRC etc.

Transcoding is usually down to poor choices. If you curate your media properly and choose appropriate formats that your clients can play, choose appropriate clients, connect the client to the server with adequate bandwidth, then you don't need to transcode (perhaps audio, if you have an amp that can do some of the more exotic audio formats justice, but the overhead is minimal). Start encoding in unsuitable video formats that your clients can't play, connect them using wifi or power line, choose the wrong clients, and you end up transcoding. Remote users are a different story. You still get people who have some idea that if they play a 4K version back and it's transcoded, it'll look better. Those people don't understand how transcoding works (Plex natively outputs at 1080/8Mbit SDR, a decent 1080 rip will generally be superior to this).

Very good points. I did try plex previously with gigabit from my PC to Xbox One S(also gigabit) and it stuttered through a gigabit switch(all in the same room just as a test). This was in the early days of 4K being dumped.

My TV Samsung ks8000 also only has 100Mb ethernet so no good for 4k.

Sheild does seem to be the recommended choice for plex client so it must be ok with gigabit ethernet so not sure why mine stuttered.

I get the plex side of it now.

Still not sure how to remote the VMs in 4k 60 though. Sorry to be a pain, you have been very helpful! :D
Xbox (and PS for that matter) are not really good clients for Plex *unless* you make sure your content will direct play. I used to cringe at the price of a Shield, I actually turned down brand new units for £99 back in the day. I was wrong. If my Shield died today, I would order another without giving it a second thought.

VM wise, if you want to run in your lounge, don’t let me put you off, but do give some consideration to fan/cooler/drive/case choice, acoustics are important and it’s the simplest way to get a VM to physically output as you are seemingly wanting to do.

In terms of administration, most of my dockers are administered from my laptop via web interface, they are generally single purpose dockers (though that is sometimes less ideal if you are moving a lot of data between them for example). If I log into a VM it’s usually via web interface or SSH for what I do, or occasionally FTP, I RDP into Win based VM’s as/when I need to spin them up (rare) and my MacBook runs Big Sur, when I used to run Mac mini’s, I used VNC, but even over LAN, I suspect for your usage you may get better results going direct to GPU.
Still not sure how to remote the VMs in 4k 60 though. Sorry to be a pain, you have been very helpful! :D

SpaceInvaderOne is indeed fantastic, and his videos are done of the very best UnRAID documentation around. He also wrote the macinabox docker.

I've used Macinabox quite a bit... Actually I've used OSX on UnRAID quite a bit. I've used Macinabox just twice, as it's simply an installer. Once OSX is installed it's like any other VM.

Why do you want 60fps at 4K? If to watch videos, you're better off with Plex, if gaming you're better off with steam link / shield etc. There are lots of apps to let you remote in - VNC, TeamViewer, Google Chrome, Log Me In, Apple Remote Desktop, etc etc - anything made to log you into a Mac, but they don't tend to specifically target high framerates as far as I know
I don’t think anybody who uses UnRaid will be where they are now without SpaceInvaderOne.

More than enough

Absolutely. I muddled through UnRAID, got it working 'well enough' but not quite how I wanted. Years later I found his channel, followed along and suddenly all the things that I knew were possible but didn't work, worked. Legend.

@seanyc5 I run it on a Dell T20, which is way lower spec than a 6700k, and it's fine.
**EDIT 2 - I would want something like Retro Pie to run on the Unraid as well so perhaps a slightly better GPU would be needed **

RetroPi literally runs on a Pi... doesn't need any fancy hardware.

I have a RetroPi Pi, and an Unraid, and personally I wouldn't be looking to combine the 2.
I don’t think anybody who uses UnRaid will be where they are now without SpaceInvaderOne.

More than enough

Ed’s lowered the technical entry barriers to doing more things with UnRAID, but he’s actually not been making videos about it for that long (not knocking his work, just remember when he started), it’s really only been a few years as he began after the move to docker etc. Before then it was a lot more painful to run additional services. UnRAID however dates back much, much further, its been a decade since I purchased my first licences and I wasn’t exactly early to the party, it took WHS and the £99 HP N36L/Dell server deals deals to be things before UnRAID really got a wider audience.
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