Which Docker containers are you using?

I don't like the idea of automatic updates killing my containers when I don't expect it, so every month or two I go and update them all.

With Synology in the GUI it's fairly simple.

1. Stop containers.
2. Go into the Registry section and download the latest on all of the containers.
3. Right click the stopped containers and under actions, Reset.
4. Start containers, they should still have access to all of the config and things, but they will be using the new image.

Takes a few mins but not difficult :)
I don't get that, mine only need to be updated maybe once every couple months so it's why I would rather do it manually at the moment but I understand when lots of containers are run.

Updates for the actual applications (eg Plex, Emby, Vaultwarden) are released much more often than every couple of months, and they're security updates just as often as feature tweaks. That aside, the base OS that the Dockers are running on (often Alpine or Ubuntu) needs security updates, and those are released much more frequently. For example, linuxserver.io release updated images with base OS security patches weekly (or out of band when a more serious patch is required). For services exposed to the Internet I wouldn't want to wait a couple of months before patching known CEVs, especially when some of the more recent ones have involved maliciously crafted remote/arbitrary code escaping Docker and running on the host. YMMV.

I don't like the idea of automatic updates killing my containers when I don't expect it, so every month or two I go and update them all.

With Synology in the GUI it's fairly simple.

1. Stop containers.
2. Go into the Registry section and download the latest on all of the containers.
3. Right click the stopped containers and under actions, Reset.
4. Start containers, they should still have access to all of the config and things, but they will be using the new image.

Takes a few mins but not difficult :)

As I said before, horses for courses. There's nothing at all wrong with doing it through Synology's GUI. It's a lot more steps and much more time consuming than either using docker-compose or a script though. Dockers are cattle, not pets. As you said, the base config is immutable; so what does it matter that they're automatically updated and restarted at 2am, versus you clicking through ten steps of GUI ten times over for each individual container? Half the point of Docker is its immutable/disposable, repeatable, portable, scriptable underpinnings. It's much easier to script everything to spin up and manage itself, than have to balance everything manually through a web UI.

As an aside, have either of you updated to DSM 7 yet? I would ordinarily wait for ver x.1 but I had nothing to lose by upgrading. Very smooth and it's actually much faster and leaner than the 6.x series, especially the web UI. Win. :)
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