Which embarrassing clothes were you forced to wear as a child? (pre teens)

I was forced to wear what we called a 'blob' and I have no idea why it was called that but basically a waterproof coat that kind of looked like I'd had a tent draped over me. Too big, sweaty, hot, sticky, itchy, but dry (apart from all the sweat). I would imagine they came from the 70s and my grandparents had kept them from when my mum was a kid!
moaning to my mum just fell of death ears.
Another one was a duffel coat that was just heavy and still failed to be warm. that also fell on death ears....

If she was dead that explains the death ears and unwillingness to listen :D

I was forced to wear sandals to school during spring/ summer/ autumn. Not open toed ones but still godawful crappy looking sandals. All my pals wore trainers but no… they weren’t smart enough.
Same as others with the wax jackets, parkers, shell suit, dungarees, cords etc oh and this monstrosity for my birthday..

It looks like one of those magic eyes, did you get a lot of long stares?

Probably but i was 10 so most likely didn't even notice thankfully. Thanks Gran I know it was a World cup year but my normal yearly Rangers top would've sufficed lol.
My mother would dress me up in some obscence clothing, notibly one was Purple Velvet trousers and jacket. My Grandmother used to own a couple of fancy dress studios and I was paraded around in many a costume. The duck one always springs to mind!
Did anyone else wear one of those blue Anoraks with the orange lining and furry hood?

Parker? they were fashionable briefly.

Same with shell suits - they were the peak of cool for about 2-3 years then it flipped and they were considered the peak of lame - guess when my parents finally gave in and bought me a pair of shell suit trousers?
I wore my fluro- fluresc- fluroesc- (ffs) fluorescent green and pink shell-suit with pride dammit. As did we all. They were so in.
"forced to wear"

I guess nothing because i had no concept of fashion and clothing being used as a status symbol as a child.

Stuff i chose to wear as a early teenager at school, which is what most people are saying includes the "Poll tax" era Shell suit. It was literally a uniform in my part of London. Denim dungarees inspired by hideous late 80s pop groups.
Global hyper colour T-shirts for one summer. Parker Jacket because they were very warm and had a hood in winter.... Id wear one now if i could find a decent one.
Hi tech Trainers. Never Dunlop green flash because the class weirdo had those.
Reebok pumps i had a pair. with their own CO2 filling system. Wish i still had them probably worth 1000 quid.
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Parker? they were fashionable briefly.

Same with shell suits - they were the peak of cool for about 2-3 years then it flipped and they were considered the peak of lame - guess when my parents finally gave in and bought me a pair of shell suit trousers?

I think Parker was one of the brand names of Anoraks? Same as we call a Vacuum Cleaner a Hoover.
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