Which MoHAA Clan did you play for?

Love this post! Glad to keep it rolling :) Id love to find a few of the guys I used to play with - was in a few clans

And the one I was in the longest was WG - We were pretty good :)
My tag was DaRkNeSs.ScO

Ive just found out that a few developers are currently remastering MoH:AA

You might remember me from =WG= then.

=WG= & [3rd-Para] were the main ones that I can remember. Apollo/Lookout, MajorIdiot, TermNL & Killer_Bean are some of the names I remember. I am pretty sure I played with Maladict, Zaphod & Minimum a bit as well but can't remember which clan for.

Been messing around on some servers the last few days, lot of fun but jesus i'm getting my butt kicked!
Might as well chime in seeing as MoH was a big part of my life, and still is my most favourite game.

=UFP= United Force Partisans
Clan P

Must have played a bunch with lot of you guys.. Medal of Honor was what got me into buying my first PC. If you want a 1v1 .... I'm still here alive and kicking ;)
hello, I was {D.D}Lt.Grimbo{3rd} back in the day then {FGM}Grimbo. Mohaa I was {D.D}Grimlock. I'd love to get hold of the guys I used to play with as lost all my contacts when MSN messanger when down for good. Loved those days and still have SH installed now, can't find any server with mpsh3.1 weapons mod running.
The one we played clan tourneys with.
from the post earlier, from the guy that works with Former DD guys do you mean Si and Allan? Reckless and Messiah?
hello, I was {D.D}Lt.Grimbo{3rd} back in the day then {FGM}Grimbo. Mohaa I was {D.D}Grimlock. I'd love to get hold of the guys I used to play with as lost all my contacts when MSN messanger when down for good. Loved those days and still have SH installed now, can't find any server with mpsh3.1 weapons mod running.
The one we played clan tourneys with.
from the post earlier, from the guy that works with Former DD guys do you mean Si and Allan? Reckless and Messiah?
Wow, can't believe this thread is still being posted in!

Was talking about hours played in games with some friends earlier today and it made me think of the thousands I must have spent in MoH:AA. Loved every minute! (Okay not every minute...) One Google search later and ended up here.

Played round based and the tdm when the rb league went dry on clanbase; was in {SmT} and then I think ToGe, reformed [SmT] and definitely some more... Always as "Cpl Syx" though!

I saw Quik posted earlier (years earlier!) - definitely remember him and jAm0; still good friends with a few of the other lads!

Absolutely amazing times tbh.
Old school Player {D.D}Fiveboy here the Maker of Neuville, Vire and St Floretes, lost touch with the DD lot like Condor, Nix, AccessDenied. My FPS days are over and moved to World Of Warcraft.
Old school Player {D.D}Fiveboy here the Maker of Neuville, Vire and St Floretes, lost touch with the DD lot like Condor, Nix, AccessDenied. My FPS days are over and moved to World Of Warcraft.
I think thats where most of you DD lads went, still think wow is what killed spearhead., I remember you and was in DD for a while after you left with rince and a few others. But was in AA and DRM before that ;) oh and Neuville was one of my favourite maps, some great matches on that :)
wow recognise most of those players, used to love Black watch matches, I know the diva players as well but i think they may have become elF later. And I see the legend viva-la-dan is there he was awesome player If i remember correctly, great times to be a gamer
Old school Player {D.D}Fiveboy here the Maker of Neuville, Vire and St Floretes, lost touch with the DD lot like Condor, Nix, AccessDenied. My FPS days are over
and moved to World Of Warcraft.
Great days, I was one of the original 12 to oppose the BW-Uk clan and BW Razor was a friend.
We switched to COD but there were so many cheaters in the clan by then and Condor wouldn't ban them, we suspected him Mal and some others of cheating so we left and started Fgm.
At one stage we were the best in Europe.
Even made it on TV. 50 members went to Ace's cousins funeral in Canterbury.
We used to meet up at the Birmingham bike show each year
|FuN|, Duck N' Cover, illuzionz, Rejekz.

Got fairly high on clanbase UK and EU 5v5 Obj realism with Rejekz. This was 2006.

Anyone's name on this list?

Well holy crap .. lots of Mohaa players coming out of the woodwork! Remember me tox? I played a few times for iV, if I remember right you played for my clan, >DnC<? think you came over with wildfire.

Benji! you're KK's brother right? Ah |FuN| was great fun back in the day .. I still remember Anvil raging in his scottish voice everytime he got killed!

I was Sup3rn()va.^> back in the day.. played for a few clans, CHU, FatKidz, iV, |FuN|, UiC. Anyone remember Toffs Wars? They were great fun. Mohaa was awesome back in the day.

Haha hi mate. Just noticed this too, been a long time though I see your account was last active in 2014!
Small world.

Recognising a few names throughout this thread. :)
Great days, I was one of the original 12 to oppose the BW-Uk clan and BW Razor was a friend.
We switched to COD but there were so many cheaters in the clan by then and Condor wouldn't ban them, we suspected him Mal and some others of cheating so we left and started Fgm.
At one stage we were the best in Europe.
Even made it on TV. 50 members went to Ace's cousins funeral in Canterbury.
We used to meet up at the Birmingham bike show each year

Dont think mal was cheating I went to Mals house and saw him play, but we was very good at the game, later on we had AntiCheat screenshot program made to prevent cheating, do you have contact details for Condor, i lost everything was MSN messenger was switched off.
Was with u when we went to Mals, he had sound hack.
Condor condoned it.
That's why we formed A few good me.
Anyway water under bridge now.
Only contact I have are ace, detox, Messiah and 1 other can't remember his nick name tho.
Strange to see what happened to clan after I left.
The DD on here think they were the originals lol
Imma dig up this old thread for yet another bump. Used to play MOHAA every spare moment I had around 2002-2005. Acerbic - 13y/o salty squeaker at the time. Now 31 and still squeaky, but even more salty.

=|BL|= Bloodline was the first Clan I joined, headed by MAJOR_PAIN. Soon after it went to =|F|F|= which later joined with RES to make =|F|RES|F|=. Glorious times.

Got to the top of Clanbase a few times and then moved to playing CoD and CoD UO when they came out where we also competed in Clanbase and later Eurodom

Reading through this old thread I definitely recognise some old clan tags :)
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