Poll: Which Next Gen Console will you buy? - New Version

What will you buy?

  • I will buy both consoles

    Votes: 125 12.1%
  • I will buy an Xbox One only

    Votes: 138 13.3%
  • I will buy a PS4 only

    Votes: 565 54.5%
  • I will buy neither console

    Votes: 88 8.5%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 120 11.6%

  • Total voters
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I'm also wondering this....I know there are a number of people that have a pre-order down for both next-gen consoles but how many people are going to have a next-gen and current-gen set up? (ie I'm keeping my PS3 and replacing my 360 with an Xbox One)
I've currently got two Xbox 360s, one downstairs (a 250GB S console) and the other upstairs connected to my 2nd monitor (an original white console). When the Xbox One comes it'll either join the other Xbox 360 under the TV, or I'll move the main Xbox 360 upstairs and replace the one that's there (as the vast majority of my saves are on the main console that's downstairs). Not decided what to do yet as I will definitely keep playing the Xbox 360 for a while yet, especially with Dark Souls 2 due next year, but I know with a new console it won't get used anywhere near that much, so it could easily be relegated upstairs for use when the wife wants the TV.
I have to say that arguing about the benefits or negatives of the Cloud on either platform is a bit pointless right now. It's a part of console gaming that is so new that I don't think anyone can accurately predict how it will turn out. It could well be an absolute failure, or it could be the dawn of a new era in gaming for us all. Hopefully we'll find out over the next few years.
and thats the way it should be to be honest. the games not the gimicks.
Couldn't agree more. The games will always make the console, and if MS eventually end up with a far superior gaming line up, the fact that the PS4 is more powerful won't actually matter. Of course, the same will also be very true for Sony if they end up with the better gaming line up. If anything, having a less powerful console will perhaps force MS into throwing money at developers and publishers to try and make sure they do end up with the better library in the end.
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