Poll: Which Next Gen Console will you buy? - New Version

What will you buy?

  • I will buy both consoles

    Votes: 125 12.1%
  • I will buy an Xbox One only

    Votes: 138 13.3%
  • I will buy a PS4 only

    Votes: 565 54.5%
  • I will buy neither console

    Votes: 88 8.5%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 120 11.6%

  • Total voters
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Davey fancy resetting the poll after Microsoft's next Xbox One event thingy ma bob?
If there is a big enough announcement that is making enough people change their minds, I'll reset it. As it stands though I think it'll only be a handful of people who may switch, from either console to the other. I can't see Sony doing anything to pull more Xbox users away than they already have done, and I think nothing short of a £50 price reduction, or a Kinect-less SKU, will draw people from PS4 to Xbox One.
I'm stunned at even how even a small amount of people are still sided to XB1.

£75 extra for quite a substantially inferior console .

Because a lot of people, myself included, prefer the Xbox exclusives that are coming out.

I take issue with the "substantially inferior" part as well. Yes, on paper the PS4 is quite a bit more powerful, and as they use very similar architectures this time, that extra power should be more noticeable. However, until we've seen real life performance data from released games, no-one can know for sure how much inferior the Xbox will be. People have said that the PS4 is 50% more powerful, but I will be amazed if the real life performance difference is anywhere near that much, certainly not on cross platform games anyway.

I honestly don't think we'll see the full effects of the hardware difference for a couple of years anyway, as developers generally need time to get to know the hardware well enough to use all of its power. Just look at the difference between the games at the start of this gen compared to what we're seeing now.
It clearly wasn't an approach that was well-received by the public or the press though. It'd be like Ferrari announcing a new car and devoting the entire reveal to the heated seats.
That's a little different. IMO MS did what I expected them to with the announcement, which was to focus on the features of the console. That was fine with me. What wasn't fine was how US-centric it was in regards to those features, leaving us European customers wondering how the media side of things will work here. Some game announcements would've been nice, but they knew E3 was just around the corner so chose to leave that until then.
I just don't believe they'll be a huge array of decent games available during the launch period. Same goes for the X1.

For me on the Xbox One I have 6 games pre-ordered for launch, which is easily the most out of any console release I can remember. You not interested in titles like Watch Dogs, Battlefield, Fifa, plus the console exclusives of your choice?
Going purely off the specs, the PS4 is the more powerful console, undoubtedly.

Is it a superior console? That depends on the games you like and what exclusives you like the look of the most, and that's purely a personal decision each gamer had to make.
For me it's the opposite. The overlap between PC and 360 releases was considerably larger than it was with the PC and PS3, with virtually every 360 game I wanted appearing on the PC. With the PS3 there were a bunch of exclusives the PC never saw. It may be different this time around, but this coupled with the increased in power (I'm pretty sure at least some games will run better on the PS4) makes the PS4 more attractive.
I very much understand this viewpoint, but for me personally, even with a good gaming computer and a great gaming laptop, I would still much rather sit with my feet up on my couch playing games, then be at a desk playing them. That's why I still prefer console gaming over PC gaming, and it's why I'll be getting an Xbox One (and PS4 at some point).

I think if MS has any sense (however doubtful that looks at times), they'll make all their games console exclusive for at least a year before they port to PC, if not longer. If gamers know they only need to wait a few months before a PC version is released, the Xbox instantly becomes less attractive to a lot of gamers.
I wonder if Microsoft planned this all along, start with an ok system not so good policies etc and then start making the system more appealing by changing things.

Seems to have swayed a lot of votes.
Nah, I think they believed everyone would see how great their new ideas were and would jump on board. Their problem, as they've found out, is that they were absolutely rubbish at putting those new ideas over, and as a result pushed a lot of people over to Sony without Sony having to actually do anything. It's a shame really as before all the backtracking, MS were the one developer who was actually trying something really new and innovative, yet their inability to actually put information across cost them in terms of losing fans, and it's cost the gamers some potentially very cool features.
A MS PR person over at the GAF had this to say:

Interesting POV, obviously the public see it as a lot of 180's on decisions, yet they don't and have only really changed one (being digital DRM).
Very interesting, and he does make valid comments. I hadn't even considered the ramifications of what would happen if your Kinect had broken and you had to send it off for repair. Giving you the option to disconnect Kinect makes perfect sense in that scenario.
Weird that they're forcing it on you then, I wonder how much it'll damage sales.
I wouldn't say it's weird. They've built Kinect into the UI of the console, and many of it's features (such as Skype) rely on Kinect, so it makes sense to include it IMO. I still wouldn't be surprised to see a Kinect-less SKU at some point in the future though.
So glad they aren't dropping Kinect. Would be disastrous to do so. I don't want consoles that are merely exactly what we have now with extra horsepower, I want different experiences too.
Yup, same here. Even if it turns out to be a failure, I'll give them credit for trying something new. Even if the release a Kinect-less SKU, I'll stick with the Kinect version. I'm really looking forward to seeing how well the UI works with it.
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