I replaced the text in the INI file with the text you quoted and it still doesn't see the drive. Does the INI file need to be exactly right for the software to see the drive?im back on the main pc. here you go:
above pic is how it should look with the device selected iv highlighted in red then the update button will work.
as for the config here it is:
Code:;Configure Start ;=================FW Configure================= U2PHY = 02 f4 9b e0 e1 U3PHY = 02 d4 09 00 d5 00 80 VID = 0xbda PID = 0x9210 MANUFACTURE = "Realtek" SCSI_VENDOR = "Orico" PRODUCT = "Orico USB 3.1 NVME" SCSI_PRODUCT = "RTL9210B-CG" SERIAL = "012345678904" CFEXPRESS = 0x0 LED = 0x1 PINMUX1 = 0x0 PINMUX2 = 0x0 U2_MAXPWR = 0xfa U3_MAXPWR = 0x70 ASPMDIS = 0x0 ;10 minutes of idle time will disable pcie power PCIE_PWRCUT_THRES = 0xa ;EN_UPS = 0x0 ;PD = 0x0 ;CUSTOMIZED_LED is 15 bytes CUSTOMIZED_LED = 01 01 ;SUSPEND_LED_OFF = 0x0 ;FAN = 0x0 ;DIS_SHOW_EMPTY_DISK = 0x1 ;UART_DBG_PIN = 5 ;=================Tool Configure================= ;DISCONN_FORCE_USB2 = n ;FORMAT_DISK = n ;INC_SERIAL = y ;PARTITION: GPT, MBR PARTITION = "MBR" ;FORMAT: NTFS, exFAT FORMAT = "NTFS" ;LABEL max allowed - characters LABEL = "My USB"
Above code is only for the B version which is sata and nvme.
copy and paste above code into a text file and save as a .cfg extension to use with the software for the orico enclosure.
this line here:
;10 minutes of idle time will disable pcie power
put a ; before the PCIE_PWRCUT_THRES = 0xa making it: ;PCIE_PWRCUT_THRES = 0xa if you dont want the enclosure to sleep after 10 mins of activity. i have it enabled so if i keep it connected to the pc it goes to sleep, sending data to the drive when its sleeping results in like a half second or less delay to wake it up and transfers begin. ideal for my use case.
Another thing, as far as I can tell my enclosure only supports M.2 drives, not SATA drives as well.