Which superhero film for a 6 year old?

My son is 4 and a half and he loves the incredibles - also the lego batman movie is a favourite (as is the lego star wars shows).

He's growing to like transformers (via the 1980 animated series... yeaaa! :cool:), so we watched the first live action movie - with strategic scene skipping, he enjoyed it :)

I wont let him watch any of the Marvel films for a few years yet but he does have a story book that covers a lot of the characters - he's happy with that for now :)
Roger Rabbit film was my favs as a kid. Not really a super hero, i know.

Power Rangers.
Old Superman Films
The old Batman films.
And like a lot of people are saying, The Incredibles.

oh, and Punisher Warzone.
The IMDB has a parent's guide for most films, a read though that will tell you exactly how much swearing, violence, sex scenes/references are in it, even how much smoking is in it. It is quite a good check if you are unsure but it is set to max prude level!

I didn't even realise this.

I wonder what the parental guide is for 'A Serbian Film'

I think it's safe to say this film is not safe for Kids. Or even adults.
I kinda wish I never watched it (the Uncut Version:().
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