White SG09 with power and watercooling

Hi all

Now with Christmas over and exams, I'm once again back to hopefully finish this build and the TEC cooler.
Also Happy New Year :)

This update isn't a big one, but I am in need of your help :)

First of, I got the plexi for the window cut out.

Just like the windows for my Unobtainable, these have been cut down at the edge a little mm, so that plexi has a smooth transition from the case to the window.
It turned out just fine last time, and hopefully just at great this time :p
(will get them install tomorrow).

About the help;
As an above post, I'm doing a TEC chiller, and to do that I need some sort waterblock for the TECs.
Currently I got this designed;

This will be in copper and it is 6mm high (with the squares 4mm(height)x2mmx2mm) and will get a acrylic top.
I'm not at big water flow engineer, so if you got any ideas for at better water block for the TECs, please let me know (you can see more at the TEC thread) :p

I actually doesn't have any more today (will get the windows installed tomorrow) :D

Also, I just wanted to share my parents dog in it's sleeping position last weekend (she was really far away in dreamland :D)
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Long time since, and a lot have been done :-)

But pictures says more than words so here we go:




And this is how the water gets out of the case (I think it looks great :D):

And a few shots of the inside. I do like how the colors comes together :D



The pictures and lightning is not perfect, due to my apartment is under reconstruction so my usually photo spot is filled up with boxes.
So it looks better in real life, especially the mayhems aurora looks really cool and still going strong even though there is many 90 degrees fittings.
May look after their new version 2.0 of the aurora.

I would have liked to have the whole build watercooled for you, but the EKWB waterblock + back plate for the GFX has been delayed a bit :-/
Even though the new EKWB back plates are plan simple, I will add the original CSQ circles to it to color them green like the GTX 670 from earlier.

So there is a lot of small stuff that needs to be fixed before it's done.
The PSU will get back in (used in a mining rig right now) and the last wires sleeved.
Some small spots needs to get repainted again and a few new things painted to.
Also some temperature sensors will get installed on top (green LED).
Pump may be changed to a D5 PWM pump instead if there is room for it :D

My original plan was to use a EKWB DDC X-res 100 under the PSU, but my measurements where 2mm of :-/
I then remembered a mod where the reservoir was on top the case, and thought that would look good with the aurora (which for me it does).
Though the reservoir could be 3 cm longer so that I could use 90 degrees fittings (more clean look), but the tube will be placed along the sides of the 180mm radiator with some clips to look more clean.

So I hope you like the looks so far, I believe it will become even better when the GFX will get watercooled and all the small stuff will get made :D
And perhaps a GFX more ;)

(The other side with the big window is done, but cant be installed due to bad/low placement of the RM750 PSU power input).
Thanks, means a lot to me.
Makes it more fun to build it knowing people is looking forward to the result :D

As for painting motherboard, I did not believe in it ever working again after the paint, but it's still functioning just fine.
I was thinking about getting the Rampage IV Gene and a 6 core CPU for the build, but I didn't dare painting such an expensive motherboard (I got the current quite cheap) :eek:
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