Who do you hate?

I don't 'hate' anyone, but I find all these fake rap stars so irritating! The same goes for anyone associated with Jamster and similar ringtone companies.

singist said:
All students, without exception! ..... in fact most people under the age of 25.

Every day I read posts from you having a go at young people. It's getting pretty tiresome. We're not all that bad - give it a break.
Football related:

Leeds United
Leeds United
Lee Bowyer
Alan Shearer
Harry Kewell
Jamie Carragher
Stevie G
Alan Green
Anyone who writes for the Sun *bunch of liars*
Martin *caveman* Keown *the missing link*
Mick McCarthy
Jason McAteer
Niall Quinn
Carlos Queiroz
Andy Gray

edit...how could I forget Andy Goram :o

Everyone else:

Chad from Nickelback *fruitcake*
Terry Pratchett, his books and his ******* typewriter
All of Busted
Any boyband ever

stay tuned for more.....
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As has been said, hate is a very strong word; there are very few people I hate when I think about it, although there are an unhealthy number I dislike: several footballers, the Eastenders cast (after only watching one or two episodes), several politicians and several music artists. I'm sure there are countless others.

Never-the-less, this thread asked who I hate, and I'm pretty confident that I hate Bob Geldof and George Galloway.
fozzybear said:
Kate Thornton
Mark Lamarr
I agree. Mark Lamarr is an arrogant, unfunny, **** sucking ****. When I lived in Bournemouth, a few years ago, I saw him parked outside KFC in a car which had poorly blacked out windows. He stuck his fingers up me and my mate and said something that was obviously aimed at us because his driver turned round, looked at us and started laughing. We both took the tops off our Zinger burgers and chucked them at his window. The best £3.49 I've ever spent.
lol @ both comments about throwing stuff at Mark Lamarrs' window and then letting him stick his fingers up you and your mate......
Pigeon_Killer said:
I agree. Mark Lamarr is an arrogant, unfunny, **** sucking ****. When I lived in Bournemouth, a few years ago, I saw him parked outside KFC in a car which had poorly blacked out windows. He stuck his fingers up me and my mate and said something that was obviously aimed at us because his driver turned round, looked at us and started laughing. We both took the tops off our Zinger burgers and chucked them at his window. The best £3.49 I've ever spent.

LMAO! :D :D I just spurted tea over my keyboard!, I live in Bournemouth and damn, wish i saw that!

Mark Lamarr is a bit of **** though. :rolleyes:
gord said:
Im bringing in my fellow hater'ite!

Flibster where art thou...

Someone mentioned hate?? :D

*points to sig... :D*

Apart from Max Mosley...Bernie Ecclestone...Jean Toad...

Pretty much all of the 'modern comedy' crowd... *you know the crap I'm on about - Little Britain and all that...*

You're not ******* funny - get over it and go away!

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