Who else hates this guy (Gregg Wallace)?

The problem (as always) is people want a hard line of what is right and wrong to something that hasn't got one, there's no definitive answer to what is 'banter' and what is 'bullying/inappropriate comments' and the line would change depending on circumstance, the people involved, the degree it happens etc etc

I liked a comment recently that said "It's only banter if both parties agree it's banter" one person can't take the **** out of another and unilaterally declare it 'banter'
i do agree.... and i am not saying Wallace should not have had a stern talking too years ago..... but letting it go unchecked and then going back decades to find a hand full of people who were offended ( presumably there were 1000s who wearnt) and then using that to kill his career is not the way to go about it.

had he of had a dressing down years ago then he would likely have reigned it in a bit, however letting him go unchecked despite being seen and heard by his colleges is essentially telling him he was doing nothing wrong.

Because he's talking about pastry.
as was the munching on her tart!.
Also whilst i do not claim to be the best at reading body language, her reaction does not read as even mildly offended to me, it looks like she was genuinely amused with her "excuse me" comment.

it all seems a be "carry on! (Austin Powers for younger people)" comedy to me, mind you i was bought up on those films i guess.

He should have just said 'sorry I've been out of line and displayed some poor judgement, I'll do better'.... and got on with it with a slap on the wrist.
On this however i agree 100%. his reaction to is is incredibly poor. he should have eaten some humble pie (boom boom ;) ), sincerely apologised to anyone he made feel uncomfortable and confirmed it was never his intention to upset anyone
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You are triggered by that really? Munch his way through your little tart? :S I mean its literally a food called a tart. The other bloke said your tart has a soggy bottom which is even more innuendos.

No, I'm not triggered by it, otherwise my post about it would have been a lot more inflammatory?

The point was he does seem a bit odd and if he's butchering jokes like that with cameras rolling, it's not exactly a stretch to see him doing some of the things he's being accused of in private. The soggy bottom reference that John made is a common phrase used on cooking shows when talking about pastries, the contestant didn't even bat an eyelid at it.

This thing of responding to people on here immediately saying they are triggered seems to be getting more and more common and seems like projection. It would be like me accusing you of being triggered by avdub because of your responses to him in this thread.
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The point was he does seem a bit odd and if he's butchering jokes like that with cameras rolling,
IMO he didn't even "make the joke". He said he would munch the tart that is in front of him, that had just received negative feedback. She was the one who made a reaction that elevated the comment into something of an inuendo. He was literally eating a tart for goodness sake lol.
IMO he didn't even "make the joke". He said he would munch the tart that is in front of him, that had just received negative feedback. She was the one who made a reaction that elevated the comment into something of an inuendo. He was literally eating a tart for goodness sake lol.

I think you need to rewatch it and listen more carefully. He butchered it and somewhat saved it by adding, "ya little tart" once he realised what he'd said.
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I think you need to rewatch it and listen more carefully. He butchered it and somewhat saved it by adding, "ya little tart" once he realised what he'd said.
Disagree. I think he said munch your little tart and the lady played ball and converted what would have been a regular jovial comment about food named something humorous into an inuendo.

If he said I want to smash your pasty - that would have been different.
Disagree. I think he said munch your little tart and the lady played ball and converted what would have been a regular jovial comment about food named something humorous into an inuendo.

If he said I want to smash your pasty - that would have been different.

He didn't say "munch your little tart" though, that would have been more akin to John's soggy bottom comment if he'd just delivered it that way. He said "left to my own devices, I'd munch the living daylights out of ya... ya little tart".

His delivery seems to be the problem, and there are suggestions from friends of his that he's autistic, so he probably doesn't notice when he's doing these things and how he comes across.

The example you gave doesn't really work because there's no allusion at all there.
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He didn't say "munch your little tart" though, that would have been more akin to John's soggy bottom comment if he'd just delivered it that way. He said "left to my own devices, I'd munch the living daylights out of ya... ya little tart".

His delivery seems to be the problem, and there are suggestions from friends of his that he's autistic, so he probably doesn't notice when he's doing these things and how he comes across.

The example you gave doesn't really work because there's no allusion at all there.
Oh I see, we have to add a comma into the sentence for the offence to occur. I am a bit clearer now why it is was triggering if you write it like that.
i do agree.... and i am not saying Wallace should not have had a stern talking too years ago..... but letting it go unchecked and then going back decades to find a hand full of people who were offended ( presumably there were 1000s who wearnt) and then using that to kill his career is not the way to go about it.

had he of had a dressing down years ago then he would likely have reigned it in a bit, however letting him go unchecked despite being seen and heard by his colleges is essentially telling him he was doing nothing wrong.

It does sound like he has had some reprimands before, an exec telling him his behaviour was inappropriate and a rebuke from HR, but I agree it doesn't look like enough people held his behaviour to account, if it was over the line.
No, you missed the point again. Then again, not surprising if you're one of those posters who just keeps using the "you're triggered" line.
I'm not sure why you keep getting so offended - I don't mean "triggering" as an insult to you. And my last post was sincere - if you break it up into two sentences, he did cross the line. Without deep-dive analysing it, it just sounded like a hesitation to me.

@dlockers I think it was the way he said it...
"Munch his way through you.... your little tart?"
Ya I get that now - makes sense why some folk got offended if you heard it that way (daren't use the word trigger otherwise i will.....offend Ayahuasca :cry:). I heared hesitation/muddle of words personally.
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