Who has cheated on a partner and why?

2 Nov 2004
Having a conversation with someone once where I told them I have never cheated on someone. I don't tend to do such things, I thought most people wouldn't - is it uncommon for people not to cheat?

Having said that, I almost did, but decided I didn't want to be that sort of person...
I've never cheated and never will

Even when I was 16/17 and going through the silly early relationships I never cheated

I , like you , came close to it once .. I was coming to the end of an abusive relationship and knew it was over anyway but I still would not cheat

I've had it done to me plenty of times and it makes you feel like crap , insecure and can affect you for quite some time :(
never cheated and think its the worst thing you can do to a person.

The girl I'm currently in love with, but broke up with coz I'm stupid went out with another guy once.

We were havin a really really tough patch and her mum suggested she go out with a guy from her mum's work, so she did.

Loads of people I knew saw them out and said they were walkin apart and didnt look like a couple, she swore to me they didnt do anything and I believed her. That was about 2 years ago now.

EDIT: when I say worst thing you can do to a person, I do mean like that isnt something involving the person e.g. smacking her.
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I never have, but I seriously considered it towards the end of a relationship, simply because i'm 99% certain that ex had been cheating on me, so kind of wanted to just to get back at her, that and it was kind of on offer from a girl I knew.

However, I thought better and decided I'd rather stick to my beliefs, which is that I'll never cheat on anyone. If I really want to then I'll finish the relationship I'm in first.
When I was in my late teens (geez, trying to remember so far back now) I thought nothing of having 3 girls on the go at the same time.
Thankfully I grew out of that stupid stage in my life.
Yes. Reasons bordem i guess, im not sure. Angry at the other person, feeling down about your situation with your partner. They are lots of things I have been through which have lead to something happening which I wish hadn't, but at the end of the day the things which have hurt me a lot lead to the end of the relationship.

On a note I have never been caught.

Never cheated on a girlfriend and never would. If your a cheat, then why you with the person?! Be single!

I've been cheated on in the past like... it hurts but thats part of life and it sucks!!
I may have cheated on a girl years ago, I think 2 relationships over lapped by a few days. I'm not an evil person for doing it, I've been cheated on and I see it as a part of life.

I don't understand the 'never would' attitude, life must be very tiresome for someone who knows exactly what their future holds and how they'll react to it.
Tru said:
I don't understand the 'never would' attitude, life must be very tiresome for someone who knows exactly what their future holds and how they'll react to it.

I dont think its a matter of knowing what the future holds but if your in a relationship with someone you;ve made a commitment to them and respect for that commitment and to the person should stop you from causing them pain.
Does taking a girl to the pictures twice in a non-relationship manner and not telling your girlfriend about it until the next day count as cheating? If not then I've only cheated once when I was 17 :o
Never, and I hope that I never will.
I'd like to think I'd have more respect for the person I was with than to do such a thing to them.
Whitewater said:
Does taking a girl to the pictures twice in a non-relationship manner and not telling your girlfriend about it until the next day count as cheating? If not then I've only cheated once when I was 17 :o

dont think it counts as cheating but its definitely betraying their trust.
think it comes down whether the people in the relationship feel the same about each other, if not thats when cheating happens. The other week a girl cheated on her boyfriend with me- i didnt feel guilty if im honest, but saying that shes still with her boyfriend now and im still single- guess its just one of those primitive human things to spread your seeds.
I did once upon a long ago when I was a rogue.
It wasn't my fault though, my willy & beer made me do it.
Cheating is a tricky one...

If its on a plate ;) and you knew there is no way your missus would ever find out

Would you ?
i have. it was in that stage where i was trying to find a way to tell my (psychotic, dangerous) girlfriend to get bent, without her killing me, herself, or both.
One night of sex that would ruin a relationship .. are you mad ??

Even if I could be absolutely 110% sure I wouldn't get found out I still wouldn't even entertain the thought !

If you are in a happy relationship you shouldn't have the thought of " I shouldn't cheat " it should be the thought that nobody else even comes close to tempting you to even think about it
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