Who has cheated on a partner and why?

I cheated on pretty much every girlfriend that I ever had barring 2 of them.
So I guess I cheated on maybe 20-25 women/girls before I met my wife but then I only consider myself to have had 3 or 4 really serious relationships.

As to why - pretty much because I could and because I didn't take the relationships anything like as seriously as they did.

I don't recommend cheating on someone you love though, it'll hurt you more in the end.
Well since the threads not dead and I finally have time to reply ;op

Depends on what you would call cheating as to wether I have or not. I was in the process of ending a very long distance relationship when I met my wife, and things were happening before I was able to end the previous relationship.

I was never intending to see the previous girl again however so I wouldn't describe it as cheating really.

I would love to say that I would never cheat. I certainly don't currently have any intention but it hasn't stopped my pecker very nearly getting me in trouble before now. I was staying away in a nice hotel with other colleagues for about 6 weeks out of a year temptation sure as hell existed. Thankfully it ended with a very strong friendship staying up and drinking etc rather than anything else.

Oddly enough an old flame has just come back on the scene after a few years. We still get on really well, got to say it made me think as she left me by cheating on me for a while with someone else. Certainly enough to make me try and have the guts to end my relationship properly if it ever did go wrong as it really did tear my heart out at the time.
who think that this thread would go on for so long, for get PC's just talk aout women !
As i have mention before, when you are young who may want to see more than 1 girl. only when you live with them does that attitude change, and also the oppertunities decrease as well.
As you will have your partner around you most of your spare time !
That does limit the chances / oppertunities to meet new girls.
Though i think friends reunited have put a lot of old flames back together who should have perhaps never split up.
Maybe if i meet an old flame i might think what could have been !
There is only one old flame that can influnce me to have some feeling s for her if we ever did meet up again !
That's another story ! !
Never cheated, never had the need to cheat. Why cheat as you get to choose who you want to be with so why cheat on them?

Never seen the point personally.
I've never cheated on a partner and don't think I ever could. However, I have had two partners in the past few months that I know for certain are married (not to mates I hasten to add - I wouldnt go there), but just needed an outlet for some frustration. Would I do it again? Probably.
No way, no how, not ever. I've been brought up to have more respect for both myself and for my partner.

I've been cheated on by previous girlfriends and like Piggy said, it stays with you for years if you're a thoughtful, emotional type of person. You start to question yourself, your personality, the way you do things and think all sorts of what-if's.

My wife is my rock, my best friend, the one who keeps me sane when I have a rough day at work, the one who takes care of me when I'm ill and I adore her.

Each to their own - and I'm certainly no saint :p - but why the hell would I risk that for the sake of a quick 'knee-trembler' down a dark alley?
Personally, I consider it one of my three 'rules' that I try to take all relationships by:

Never cheat on someone.
Never sleep with someone I know has a boyfriend.
Never get involved with my friend's ex, unless they don't really mind.

But that said, I will readily admit that saying that is all well and good when I've never really been pushed to try and uphold any of them, and were I in a situation where they would be tested, it's entirely conceivable that I would give in, because unfortunately men can be all too weak sometimes. However, if I did cheat on any girlfriend of mine, I'd like to think I'd be honest and tell her, and expect the same in return. I could forgive a weakness in lust if that's all it was, and not an outright attempt to be with someone else while with me. :)

penski said:
In a full-on revenge-via-your-mum(!) style, yes.

But I was young (16) and slightly more foolish then.

That's nothing to hide, that's every teenager's (wet) dream! Fair play to you sir.
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Tysonator said:
who think that this thread would go on for so long, for get PC's just talk aout women

As i have mention before, when you are young who may want to see more than 1 girl. only when you live with them does that attitude change, and also the oppertunities decrease as well.
As you will have your partner around you most of your spare time !
That does limit the chances / oppertunities to meet new girls.
Though i think friends reunited have put a lot of old flames back together who should have perhaps never split up.
Maybe if i meet an old flame i might think what could have been !
There is only one old flame that can influnce me to have some feeling s for her if we ever did meet up again !
That's another story ! !

I had to read that about 10 times before it made any sense!! what are you going on about?

So are you saying you should avoid the opposite sex to reduce the risk..

Interesting in theory but in reality you can’t go around not meeting people unless you become a recluse. . In reality, I would think it's question of trusting yourself rather than avoidance tbh.
trusting yourself rather than avoidance !
Well that is an interesting statement !
I trust my self when i am out, i am not sure what lenghts some girls may go to to have some fun though.
Attitudes are changing
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