Crikey , the thread is alive again !
Just wanted to add a few more words from the perspective of the person who has been cheated on
I was with my ex from the age of 16 - 22 .. even though he was mentally abusive to me I honestly never thought he would cheat on me. He always swore that if he ever caught ME cheating I would be the sorry one
I finally left him and found out AFTERWARDS that nearly every time he went out with the lads he was sleeping with another girl .. He was also chatting to girls on ICQ and arranging to meet up with them
I felt so stupid that I didn't catch him out
Even now , 4 years on it's still affecting me :/
Even though I am in a very happy and stable relationship and even though I KNOW Desmo would never even entertain the thought of cheating on me I've always got that little gremlin in the back on my mind
I'm over sensitive to jokes about him playing away and get very upset , I am quite insecure even now
Luckily Desmo completely understands and is very supportive. Hopefully this little gremilin will go away in time
So to those of you who HAVE or ARE cheating think again ! .. you can seriously affect that person for years to come