Who is a crappy player like me and dares to admit it?

I class my self as very good on single player games, I always play on the hardest difficulty unless it is an RPG such as The Witcher 2 or Deus Ex HR which are already quite difficult on normal difficulty but that is probably because I have not played many RPG's before.

Online I am rubbish at Starcraft II but that is probably because I have not poured enough hours into it but I like to think I am good on racing games and FPS games. My KDR is usually always positive and I do not camp or cheat and use cheap tactics. I work with my team and flank a lot which is my style. I have not played that many racing games online but when I do I usually find my self in the top 3 most of the time :)

I played this RTS called Tribalwars for a couple of years a couple years back and I got to the point of being ranked 6th on the world I was playing and was in the top tribe which was pretty good but I soon got bored and stopped playing :p
I would say I'am below average gamer mainly because I play too many games at the same time an don't play much online the computer is a lot easier to beat then a human player.
You really need to put the effort into one game to be really good at it like to take my time an enjoy a game an don't see the need to keep repeating parts of a game over an over just to get better score.
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I just died again on that bloody level 4 in Metro 2033 (Front Line). Never done this before, but I actually downloaded the save games for the other levels hoping I'd get some more ammo to start with (still no silencer I see). Let's try to do it by using some stealth.
It's funny, I actually used to be quite good at CoD 4 on Xbox in Hardcore Search & Destroy mode but that was because I knew all the maps and tricks of the trade in that particular play mode. I was then out of gaming for two years and I'm now getting back in again, this time on PC. Can't wait for BF3 and to do some multiplayer again.
I am fairly average, better than average on L4D2 but suck at other games like CSS, or even FM11. Its good to get pwned if you're with a group who are all accepting about it and have a laugh. Its not good if you're playing half seriously. Best community was JKJA where we knew we werent one of the best but could put up a half decent attempt at running them close, its nice to be the underdog sometimes. No one ever stressed about losing .
Once upon a time I was good, very very good, at fps games. A year off work due to injury and a hell of a lot of spare time meant I lived and breathed FPS games around at the time of UT2K3.

Getting old, less time due to work, friends moving on to MMO's and dragging me along has left me a shell of what I was and most FPS games now annoy the hell out of me. The know how is still there, I know exactly what I want to do and when to do it, but the reactions are long long gone. If I REALLY set my mind to it I can still complete most games on whatever difficulty it decides to throw at me, but the enjoyments not there anymore so I generally play on easier modes just to enjoy the story, stress free.
I'm hopeless at online shooters but I do enjoy them, will be stepping into the meat grinder for sure when RO2 is out. I'm quite competative at driving games though, love racing online with the assists turned off.
CSS and 2D platform games, god I suck at platform games still have not completed Donkey Kong country on the snes :(
I consider myself a pretty good player on single player. Have never had any real difficulty and have played pretty much every fps.

But online I suck. I tried to get into BFBC2 but by the time i have seen another player I am already dead. I guess it doesn't help that every single "noob" server I tried was full of Level 50 players :rolleyes:. I don't even have a decent sight for my gun and the level 50 players are fully kitted out and have put hundreds of hours into the game.
I can take pretty much any fps and be very good at it within about a week, thanks to playing Quake III for about 8 years.

RTS games that require strategy etc I am not so good at, just don't have the patience!
bf games etc are funny

just depends on server I guess and opponents. Id say im a decent fps player

sometimes I am top player get loadsa kills/points.

then I play new server and get like a 2/15 kill/death ratio and near bottom.


ALso thing about bfbc2 is if one strategy aint working you can try different ones
I would consider myself to be quite bad at most games, especially where there is a competetive element.

I seem to be in a minority of gamers who just plays to have fun. I can be decent when i really want to be though, but in FPS's i just tend to run around(which is a good thing, as if you stop for a nanosecond these days you are apparently "camping":p)

I'm quite good at RTS but not really tried any online. I tried a bit of COH but it can be very boring un multiplayer i think.

The one thing i would never play is L4D with randoms, i usually play with a few mates and an AI and we just go through the levels having a laugh really, couldn't care less when something goes wrong.

btw, i almost always play single-player games on the second lowest difficulty, especially RPG's.
I'm useless at games. I absolutely love online multiplayer COD and CS/CS:S, single player games etc. But I will never have enough skill or determination to play insane difficulty levels or to get a high k:d ratio etc.

Never the less I shall continue to play all sorts of games and try my best and in doing so I have loads of fun, even laughing at how badly I'm playing.
I take football/soccer games very seriously.

I was a legened and hardcore PES player then FIFA recently but i preffered old PES. I played every day.
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