Who is a crappy player like me and dares to admit it?

I'm not competitive enough to be good, but then again if you look at the best players, they do sod all else apart from read stats and run spreadsheets. That's just too much. I play games for entertainment, messing about with my mates or for storylines; the competitive scene just leaves me cold.
I used to be very good at the various San Andreas mods, but there's nothing more recent that I've bothered to get good at. Very rarely do I play online as I'm mostly just adequate at gaming these days.
I used to think I was good at rts games, but after playing shogun online it turns out I suck. I'm quite decent at bc2 but not arena shooters
Im not the best player. Buit neither am I the worst player. I can have good games then real crap games.

Have to agree with this really, anyone can get better with practice... I don't spend all my days playing a specific game to become fantastic at it... At the moment I'm going through Shift 2 again. I know I'm not the greatest person at racing games, but give my settings (elite handling mode) to most people and they'll be in the wall in half a minute, so I find the fact that I can just get around the track to be an achievement. It's also mostly great fun!

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