Who Is Cool To You ?

Clint Eastwood

greenlizard0 said:
I hate both those charactors. But then you'd never really diss Brad "Mr washboard" Pitt or......*cries* Jason "yeah baby - kelly brook!!" Statham :( :( :(
Characters? They're actors dude, their coolest characters being (IMO) Rusty Ryan and Handsome Rob...
greenlizard0 said:
Na, people who are funny are cool. I think it's a case of who one would rather have their beers with.

Nah people who are funny are funny, not literally cool. This thread refers to cool as in - badass, icecold, deadly, could do anything and people still wouldnt care types.

If there was a Who is Funny to You thread... which there is, its called Comedy... people would post funny people in there.. not cool people..

Stop making grey areas.. its black and white.. green and blue... mahjong and sodoku... picard and ryker... leaves and bark... sue barker and kate winslet... beer and orange juice.. masks and the mask.. biscuits and brunch.. lunch and just a munch... tissues and issues...
gord said:
Stop making grey areas.. its black and white.. green and blue... mahjong and sodoku... picard and ryker... leaves and bark... sue barker and kate winslet... beer and orange juice.. masks and the mask.. biscuits and brunch.. lunch and just a munch... tissues and issues...

Gord and concise
Mohinder said:
Gord and concise

pah meh huh pfft rar gah smffft

Good one whoever chose Jack Bauer.. definitely cool..

Im gonna also add.. The Hoff!.. definitely highly cool!
gord said:
If there was a Who is Funny to You thread... which there is, its called Comedy... people would post funny people in there.. not cool people..

Stop making grey areas.. its black and white.. green and blue... mahjong and sodoku... picard and ryker... leaves and bark... sue barker and kate winslet... beer and orange juice.. masks and the mask.. biscuits and brunch.. lunch and just a munch... tissues and issues...

Prunes for lunch?

First fictional lady of the thread? Renee Russo as Catherine Olds Banner. Cool as a cucumber, and Thomas Crown (Pierce Brosnan) was pretty damned cool too.
Gilly said:
In that case Billy Connolly urinates all over the fat unfunny dude from the office :)

Quoted for truth :)

Coolest dude ever to draw breath is:


David Niven, for being a brilliant actor and also a generally splendid fellow.

If you haven't read his autobiographies "The Moon's a balloon" and "Bring on the empty horses" then you should do, they are excellent and entertaining books.

Stan :)
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I totally forgot...ok cool.....not sure if this has been posted above but...:-

Ghandi (for the non violence peace protest thing and for standing up for what he believed in).
For Fictional it has to be Kate Beckinsale's character, Selene , in Underworld 1 and 2 - She plays a "Deathdealer" and the part just oozes coolness;


And of course Blade

Guess its the whole vampire slayer thing to be cool :P
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