Who is looking forward to GTA V


Dat rain though! <3

The PS3/PS4 comparison is unbelievable!
I got this on ps3 but only had a quick play before i sold it to put towards my ps4, I knew/hoped at some point they would release it on the new gen consoles so I was saving myself to experience it with extra bells and whistles, I'm glad I did now this isn't just a port with a few added extras they have put some serious effort in as R* always do, the first person view almost makes it a different game and that isn't something that can be programmed in a few hours. Hats off to R* on this one, maybe other developers need to sit up and take note of there commitment to getting things right rather than throwing half baked games out hoping it 'will do' or 'we can patch it at some point' attitude
Does anyone know the trophy/achievement situation for this? Do they carry through from PS3 or is it treated as a whole different game?
It doesn't?! That right there is the Rockstar brand of detail. :D:D

According to one of the previews I read it does just that.

According to IGN:

There’s something incredible about running around this world in first person, glancing down at Trevor’s hands, now your hands and seeing the tattoos, the dirt under his nails, putting on a pair of sunglasses and watching as the screen tints to match their colour,
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