Who is looking forward to GTA V

I personally thought the stock market thing in the game was a great idea but very poorly thought-out, executed and not explained properly to the player at all. There was a lot more that could have been done with it throughout the game rather than it hinging largely on the assassination missions.

The social aspect of it (linking to the online game world) was fantastic!
I misunderstood sorry :) I thought you were ordering the game only and buying the others with the returned discount money.

No worries dude. I think if you're planning to buy the other items in your regular shop, you're aswell using this deal. The things I've added to my order to qualify are things I would buy in my weekly shop anyway, so it can be looked at that I'm either getting those extra items free (thus saving money on my weekly shop), or getting the game for £27.

Win-Win :)

Roll on Tuesday! I'm off work for 4 days starting on Tuesday aswell, good timing.
I got £70 worth of psn credit for £60, So it kind of cost me £45. Well that's what I tell my self.:p

That's what I've been doing essentially (get vouchers through work with staff discount etc..), been fully digital so far this generation (I never trade games in)
Arghhhh the wait is killing me.

I notice you have FarCry4 pre-ordered too... does that have the same style countdown?

I pre-ordered FarCry 4 in store and GTA V online - I usually buy GTA games and then trade them in only to regret it and want to play it again in the future, so digital copy ensures I still have it.
Since ordering this from the Rakuten/base deal I have had no end of spam emails.... The address is only used for orders..
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