Who is looking forward to GTA V

How are the visuals on XB1?

Never picked this up last gen, off work this week and just realised it's out

Very tempting
There is always plonkers like you who abuse these systems:rolleyes:

I'm a plonker for saving some money? they give me the bloody voucher! It would be no different if I took the game back the next day and returned it, then used the voucher to buy something else etc.

Get off your high horse and stop winging, you sound pathetic, Tesco shouldn't of give the voucher if they was that worried about it! I'm sure a lot of people would use the voucher for the same thing.
Just picked up a copy from Tesco - oddly, I got handed a completely unprotected copy (no security tags or anything), and left to wander the store before paying.... Very trusting of them.

Suffice to say, I did pay, as I was brought up and not dragged up :D
Pre-order bonus worked in single player but didn't work in online, any ideas what to do? Get in touch with R*?
My PSN name is thatsortofguy and my R* Social club is GIBURROWS if anyone fancies shooting me a lot?

Loving the game but I was so impressed with how they pulled it off so well on the last gen consoles, the draw distances on this are crazy and little details do make the difference.
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