Who is looking forward to GTA V

I can't get it to work (PS4) :confused:

It definitely works. What stock are you buying?

I thought the game glitches after $2 billion and you can't take any money out?

It does glitch at $2.1, but you can sell a certain amount of the shares instead of sell all to get your money. It botched with Trevor when I did it and I have another $1billion or so still in shares in life invader, I just withdrew single shares to give me $2.1 billion.

Can you do the glitch at any part in the game?

It appears so, seems to work best for companies effected by heists/assassination missions as the higher the loss percentage the quicker you get insane amounts, I did it on my life invader when it was at -70%

Why are people ruining their game by doing this?

I'm only doing it because I had these amounts on the 360 and they've patched the assassination mission method to get this amount of money. And I want to do this before they possibly patch it.

I wouldn't do it on my first play through.
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Can't get into a decent lobby or naff all ... Minimum amount of players , 3 max in each death match , it's ridiculous . One of the things I thought they'd fix is the matchmaking

Xbox gamertag


If anyone is intrested in partying up . Might make online more bearable for me
It works a charm, I'm doing it using life invader stock. Make sure you spend all your money

Click buy, click confirm, click continue, move cursor up and select the stock, on graph screen, click sell, sell all, confirm, continue.. Cha Ching

Don't need to even leave stock screen.
Yep just done it with Trevor, nice healthy 2.1 billion:D

Is there a way to buy shares with all money without having to hold down the plus button? As it takes ages, would be good to instantly use all funds to buy.
Yep just done it with Trevor, nice healthy 2.1 billion:D

Is there a way to buy shares with all money without having to hold down the plus button? As it takes ages, would be good to instantly use all funds to buy.

seriously, this isn't working for me.....what the hell...I followed the exact same steps in the video. One time I actually lost money ! I'm on the PS4.
I dunno. Buts it's the way I'm doing it right now. Using their stock after it crashes. I just went from $23,000 with Trevor to $139,834,326 in about 2 mins.
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